Ten Years Later
I'd never been late to an Element Day celebration in all of my years on this island, but today I was cutting it pretty close.
Of course they can't start without me, considering I'm one of the queens being honored, but nonetheless I'm still very worried.
I call out from the bathroom to the man getting dressed in the bedroom. "Xavier, are the kids up?"
"Yeah. They're getting ready with the nanny."
I breathe a sigh of relief and exit the bathroom. His eyes land on my flowing dark green dress as I walk over to him. "You look beautiful." He says as I reach up to straighten his tie.
"You don't look too bad yourself." I raise myself on to my tiptoes in order to kiss him, but the sound of two pairs of footsteps barreling down the hallway interrupts us.
"Mom! Micah stole my shoe!" My four year old daughter whines as she tugs my arm. Her twin brother always manages to push her buttons whenever he feels like it.
I turn to the mischievous boy, "Give Mae back her shoe. We need to leave soon."
"But I don't wanna go!" Micah cries out and plops down on the floor with a pout. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he looked so much like his father, especially with their matching suits. I look at Xavier,
"Your turn." I say and I take Mae's hand and lead her down the stairs to the palace entrance.
Twenty minutes later, after a juice spilling incident and yet another tantrum from Micah, the four of us pulled off.
"Are you ready?" Xavier asks as we pull up to the celebration. I take a look at the flood of people entering the arena and nod.
The car door opens allowing the sounds of laughter and music to fill the space. I take Mae's hand as I exit the car and immediately attention is drawn to the two of us. A few of my guards surround us as we make our way to the entrance of the arena.
River and Dalton are standing there with their daughter Amber, smiling back at us.
"You look beautiful Autumn," River says as I let go of Mae's hand so she can greet her friend. I glance down at River's signature red dress and smile,
"Same to you."
"Where's Xavier?"
"Over there with Micah." I say and look over at the two finally exiting the car. "It's been a rough morning."
We both laugh right as two guards walk over to us. "It's time." He says simply and River and I immediately say our goodbyes before heading inside of the arena. James is waiting for us with a smile and soon the music plays to welcome us into the thriving celebration.
The three of us walk side by side toward our thrones. My throne rests in the center of the platforms River's is on the left and James' is on the right. As we sit, the platform slowly rises.
"Ladies and gentleman." I say, projecting my voice toward the crowd. Each year, the rulers alternate the speeches given here and today just happened to be my turn.
"Ten years have passed since the day we restored peace to this island. Ten years full of strength and hope under a new rule and new protection. I will be eternally grateful for what this island has done for me and my family, and I will always grateful be for the sacrifices made for our peace. Ten years ago, Queen Riveara and I sacrificed our powers to bring our Great Tree back. For ten years, this tree has continued protecting us from the evils that lurk around us and has continued to shine as a symbol of our strength. Element Day used to be a day to replenish the Great Tree, but now it is a celebration of the island itself. The island of Mes will forever remain strong thanks to every single one of its citizens. Thank you and let us hope for many more years of strength and prosperity!" The crowd erupts in cheers and I smile.
These were my people.
This is what I was meant to do.
My mind suddenly flashes back to that conversation in the woods years ago.
As much as I hated to admit it, Xavier was right.
The old part of my life came to a close the minute after the my coronation. Ever since then, I've been writing my own story.
Now, as I stand in front of a crowd full of united citizens, I'm interested to see what the next chapter is going to consist of.
But for now, I'm content with what I see right now.
The end.
Ah okay this book has been apart of my life for about two years now and honestly without it I wouldn't have developed into the writer I am today.
Thank you for reading this story and this will most likely be the last story we post on this account so we hope you enjoyed it!!!
Anyway thank you so much and for the last time, I guess this is goodbye.

The Collision (Sequel to The Division)
FantasyNew people, new romances, and of course plot twists. With a new threat closing in, River, Autumn and Nicole find themselves having to ignore their differences and work together. Follow the gang on their dramatic journey to restore peace to Mes, once...