Chapter 25

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Shailene POV- I sit on the side walk on the edge of the street corner and cry. I don't understand why this is happening or how it all started now I'm starting to think that maybe Theo and I are not meant to be. As I sit I notice this family of six walking down the street the children are running around playing tag while the parents are holding hands and talking. I wish our family would get back to that. I notice my mom coming my way. "Sweetie I have been looking all over for you." "I'm just upset mom I mean if maybe Theo and I were not meant to be together." "Shailene don't say that." "Mom I -" "save it, Shailene you were meant to be together even if you don't agree." "But you don't understand." "Shailene, no couple is perfect even your father and I , we don't see eye to eye sometimes." "Mom its not that its, there is always a ridge driven between us whether its one thing or another. " "well you guys need to learn how to defeat that ridge." "Its not that easy we end up doing something that hurts the other." "Shailene you need to trust and forgive especially you when it comes to forgiving. And Theo needs to learn trust." "What if we never get to give each other another chance.?" "See that's where you have no trust shailene ,you have to trust him to wake up." "Maybe your right mom ." I wipe my tears away " Well I guess we better go visit Theo."I say getting up from the pavement. In that moment I realized that my mom is right every couple goes through a rough patch but, eventually it softens up.

Hey guys so I can only update once tonight since I have band camp again in the morning.It feels like a regular school day cause it lasts 8:00- 3:30 anyways enough of my babbling and as always.

- Stay Divergent!

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