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Another day, it fades away,

A different aspect, a cloudy day,

Wings are lifted as the dark descends,

A broken dream, a world to mend,

Secluded from life, always to value,

Here they come again, right on cue.

Landing in the uprising dust, a storm,

A storm comes as war surrounds us,

Unknown to those, a different time,

It covers us, goes through us, a secret shine,

A whole different frequency, another world,

Cower and beholding as they unfurl.

A wave of agony, of fear,

Wish them away, but yet they're so near,

A different heart, goes against the senses,

Put up barriers, shield your mind, close the defenses,

Carried away by spirit, we have not reached that place,

Another world, growing wings, an unknown case.

Poems of an Eccentric {My Poems}Where stories live. Discover now