For a Second Time

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Here we are again, we’re turning

Dancing in time, our feet are burning

Can’t wait until I go home

It’s on my back, a weightless stone,

I can’t jump high enough to reach the banister,

I can’t breathe in the cold night hair,

My dress too tight, I wait and watch

Hoping to be out of here,

I twist a curl and shuffle my feet,

Waiting for us to meet,

As I walk I feel the bruises,

Badges of nothing, no courage,

Satin again rust, that’s how it feels,

I taste the blood from my lip, biting it so hard,

Nervousness isn’t good about me,

I watch with mouse eyes hoping to be free,

But as I decide to move, his hand is on my shoulder,

I am a statue, frozen to the crime,

He says I’m late; here it comes again,

A slap to the face is all it takes to make me stumble,

Spiral toward where I want to be,

Under the ground,

A hopeless wish but I still dream,

Even if it’s dark I dream,

Even, if I’m scared I dream,

That’s what I am as he helps me up,

Noticing people coming from the open door,

They ask if I’m alright,

A slithering serpent, answers with a tight smile,

That I fell, lying,

He’ll slap me again, I know he will,

I get in the car as he drives away,

Im scared as soon as I don’t know the road anymore,

I just want to go home, but even there isn’t safe now,

The seatbelt done for me, tight across my chest,

I breathe hard, hoping to go home,

That we’re taking a different way home,

Nobody sees me as I scream in my mind for help,

We pass them but they do not hear,

Nor does he, the pleading,

His face is grim as we go along,

He stops in woods and so does my heart,

I can’t be here, this isn’t good,

He tells me to stay and I obey him,

I can’t believe I do, but I do not control my body anymore,

I watch him as he gets a rope and hose out of the back,

He comes around and ties my wrists to the steering wheel,

My hands are bleeding from my own nails, my hands clenched tight,

I can’t breathe anymore,

I realize this is it as he attaches the hose to the muffler and locks the doors,

The car still running,

I want to run but I cant,

He puts the hose through the window and rolls it up,

The hose sticking in the car after he slams the door,

My head starts to loll as I see his lips,

“Sweet dreams” he mouths as I start to slip away,

“I will” I promised him as my eyes shut,

I’m finally free, im going home

Poems of an Eccentric {My Poems}Where stories live. Discover now