5. weird feelings

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"Ignazio!" Piero yelled when he turned around to look at Ignazio. "Come over here!"

"Buona sera a tutti!" he said when he joined us.

"Oh look, it's Jonas! How are you my friend?", he said while laying his arm around Jonas' shoulders.

"Everything's alright! I really loved the concert! It was very nice to see you perform live for once!"

Ignazio looked around and asked if my brother was right. I nodded with a big smile on my face.

"It was BEAUTIFUL!" my sister screamed.

"Aw, my ears. I almost forgot how loud you can be", Jonas said.

"But it was BEAUTIFUL! So beautiful that saying the word silently, would be an insult!" She looked at Piero and said, "I think I'm an Ilvolover too!".

"Well," he said, "now I like you even more than 5 seconds ago!" What made Liene giggle a lot. She clearly had fun. I wish I was so open and spontaneous. Everything would be so much easier.

"Ignazio, I invited them to stay with us for tonight."

"Great idea, I almost wanted to ask it myself." They gave each other a high five. I was really wondering if they were always like this. So happy! They really enjoyed life, I guess. I can understand that, they're living the dream.

Gianluca's POV

Normally, I really liked the fans and Ilvolovers asking for pictures with me or wanting to talk to me, but now I couldn't pay full attention to it. My mind was somewhere else. I looked around in the group of people because maybe she would be one of the girls. But no one could even remind me of that beautiful girl. I tried to see through the bunch of people who blocked my sight to the rest of the area. I catched a glimpse of Ignazio going to a group of people standing not so far away.

As I walked in that direction too, I saw Jonas in that group. It was probably his family.
I remembered he sat not so far from the girl during the concert. I felt my heart was beating faster and faster as I realized she might be family of Jonas. Or maybe she was his girlfriend. My feelings were a mess, I didn't know what I felt exactly. Was I happy because she was still here? Or was I unhappy because I also felt something weird about the fact she maybe already had a boyfriend. And if not, it was also possible she didn't like me as much as I liked her. Or maybe she wasn't as nice as I thought she would be. I never spoke to her. And I don't even know what for a person she is. I just saw her in the audience and from that moment I believed she was the one. The special one. Hopefully my special one soon!

I tried not to think further about it and just walk to the group of people. "Act normal", was the last thing I thought before I arrived.

Aline's POV

"Last but not least, have you guys met Gianluca yet?" Ignazio said. There he was, I felt weird, maybe a little bit sick from all the emotions. The only thing he did, was nodding his head with a forced laugh on his face. It shocked me a bit, I would've expected him to give everyone hugs and kisses. Like a kiss on the hand or something. But maybe he was different in real life. Maybe I was wrong. Of course it's not possible to know someone by only seeing videos or pictures. Or maybe he just had a bad day. He could be ill too.

"Ciao Jonas!" he said. Then they started to talk in Italian, which was weird because Jonas was my brother and fluently spoke Italian. "I have an Italian brother", I thought.

Carlotta, Piero and Ignazio were joining their conversation. Still in Italian. My parents were talking to Carlotta's parents and sometimes I saw them looking to us. Probably very proud that we were the ones talking to Il Volo. They also complimented them earlier because when you have the chance, you take it. My sister was too buzzy looking around and enjoying the moment. And then there was me, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't understand a word of the conversation and I still was not very social. I stood there and waited until someone said we had to go to the next place, the one where we were going to hang out. I thought we already were hanging out but this was just the beginning. So I followed the group and walked next to Liene. Our parents said they were going back to the hotel because it was quite late actually. But because of my brother we could stay alone with Il Volo because he knew Rome really well after one year.

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