10. thanks

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"No, no, no!" I threw the paper away, far enough to not have to look at it again. It was not good enough. I was writing a letter to a superstar! A love letter! It had to be something more than the typical cliché things everyone writes. If I could sing I would sing a song to him. No probably not. Too shy.

There were already 6 papers on the ground. I was ready to write the seventh one that would end up there.

How to start? "Dear Gianluca?" I said out loud. No, it didn't sound right. Why did I have to doubt for every little word?

I decided to take a break and go back to the pool where the rest of my family was chillin'.

"Is your letter ready?" my brother shouted from the end of the pool. "No, not really!"

"What do you mean, not really?" he asked when he came out of the pool.

I sat down on a bench and Jonas came sitting next to me.

"Noooo, not again!"


"Why do you always forget to dry yourself before sitting next to me?"

"Oh that. Well, some things have no particular reason."

"Or you just like to tease me."

"So how is the letter?" he asked.

"What letter?" I said with a grin on my face.

He folded his arms. "Don't tell me you just have been for over an hour in your hotelroom to do nothing?"

"I tried!" I said, trying to convince him I was doing what he wanted, writing that letter.

"I'm thinking!" he said with his eyes closed.

"I see." In the meantime I was thinking too. Hoping for some inspiration. But it didn't came.

It seemed like my brother had more luck. "Yes! Again, I have solved your problem."


"No not completely. You know the only thing I can say, is, use your heart. Not your brain. Because you probably think too much. Just write it down, fluently. And then reading your letter will be very pleasant I guess. And you can always let me read it before giving it to him!" he laughed more than it was actually funny.

"No thanks!" I laughed.

"Wait, what? Do you mean I have to GIVE the letter to him?"

"Well, if you send it, it's probably going to take more time than go to them and give it to him yourself."

I was a bit shocked. No way that I was going to give it to him personally. I would be too embarrassed.

"Keep calm, I was planning to coincidentally walk by tonight." Jonas clearly had a plan in his head.

"So I write it, and you give it. And what happens next?"

"He reads it. He loves you and BAM! You two live happily ever after!" he said, proud he came up with that.

"I thought you were the smart one?" I said. He only laughed. "But you're missing a part," I said.

"What part? Oh the part you and Gian eat ice cream together and hold hands?"

"No the part I give you a kick in the ass. Be serious!" I said.

"Okay serious now. For me it's obvious. It's just like I said. Let your heart speak. Or in your case 'write'." He couldn't hide a smile.

"I'll give the letter to him, tonight! So tell your heart to hurry up. And then Gianluca will be the one to decide what happens next. But I think, I mean, I'm sure it will be what you dreamt of."

Letters to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now