18. Has he already told her?

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"No, I can't come to Belgium! Not in July, not in August, not in September. Perhaps in October. If you want to see me, you need to come to me", Gianluca said.

"What?" I said shocked." But in August I have exams and I haven't studied a lot for them. So I really need time for it in July too. And my exams will be over at the beginning of September."

"I can't quit the tour! And all the other things are very important too. You understand, right?"

"Yes, of course." But I felt really sad while I said that. And Gianluca was so formal. So serious. Like we were planning a business meeting.

"So I see you in September?" He asked.

"Yes, maybe. If my parents let me go. Alone. To Italy."

"Oh it's not sure I will be in Italy all the time!"

"Oh...well, then I don't know if I can come. My parents are very severe sometimes.They won't let me travel the entire world on my own."

"Unfortunately. However, there's still time next year too. We'll see it later.Bye!"

I woke up crying. Luckily it was all a dream. Gianluca would never act like that. So emotionless. He wasn't very friendly in my dream, which seemed more a nightmare.

Perhaps, this part wasn't the only part that wasn't real. Was this all a dream, since the very beginning? I looked down and saw something hanging around my neck. The beautiful medallion he gave me. Maybe he knew I would doubt whether it was all real, and that's why he gave me this, to make sure I never forget it's all real. His love was real!

I went downstairs to have breakfast after Gianluca and I had sent each other 'goodmorning messages'.

My mother was the only one who was awake yet.

"Yesterday, I was eating breakfast with Gianluca...and Piero and Ignazio and the rest", I told my mother. It seemed like she was sleepwalking, that's how tired she was. "Gianluca, is so sweet!" I said hoping my mom would give an opinion about that. A good one of course.

"Hmm" she grumbled. It was always the same, I jumped out of bed like I never slept, and the rest of the world was sleepwalking the first three hours they were 'awake'.

"He is really the best singer on the planet! No, in the universe!"I said enthusiastic.

Still no reaction...

"What do you think about Gianluca? Isn't he a beautiful person?" I tried one last time, remembering the medallion he gave, still hanging around my neck. I looked at it and opened it again. The little picture inside made me smile. Every moment I was going to be sad, I was going to look at it. That's what I promissed myself that moment. And I was never going to leave it somewhere. It would be always next to my heart. Per sempre!

"I think he's a nice guy!" my mom said on a moment I didn't expect it anymore.

"Nice?" I couldn't imagine how you only could say he was 'nice'. He was also very beautiful, romantic, sweet, real, passionate, polite, friendly... But of course, what else did I expect from my parents.

"So you're okay about me dating with him?" I asked careful.

"Yes of course!" she said, but I felt she didn't mean it. I didn't want to think about it anymore. Only about me and Gianluca, what the parents or fangirls thought about it didn't matter at all.

For the rest of the summer I would think about Gianluca, whether some people are against it or not! But then it hit me again. I had to do exams this summer. A lot. I wasn't really good at studying. I hated it. The only thing I wanted to do when I finished a day at university, was playing the piano or watching television. Or reading. But that didn't happen a lot.

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