12. the answer

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I nervously opened the letter. My heart pounding in my chest. And it only did it faster and faster while I read the letter.

'Dear Aline

I am so relieved! Because... I feel the same way! I was just too shy to tell you about my feelings and I was thinking the same, that maybe it would be very weird that I love you this much. Because you said it, we only saw each other a few hours. But now I know you are in love with me too, I don't care if it seems weird for others.

So basically, everything you said, is what I wanted to say. I also couldn't eat. I still can't, but I really don't need any food, I just need you!

And for sure, I want to give you a chance to know me better. Perhaps also for the reason I want to know you better too!

I don't know when you have time, but today I have a rest day after 10am. And tomorrow too actually. I hope you are free to meet me somewhere.

Ask my number to your brother so you can call me or send a message if you agree with it. I hope so!

I can't wait to see you!


Gianluca Ginoble (from Il Volo)

Oh, and just one more thing, I'm so sorry for ignoring you and acting weird before! I wasn't myself, I was overwhelmed by your beauty! And it was certainly not because I didn't like you of course!

kisses again,


There rolled a tear out of the corner of my eye. It was from happiness, no doubt. I never felt like this before. I never had a boyfriend before. I never had someone who really loved me because of who I am, other than my family and best friends of course.

It was all very new to me. The concept of love letters, romance, boyfriends. I had imagined how it would be before but I'll never know until it all happens to me. I guess that day has just arrived.

I ran out of the door and to my surprise Liene and Jonas were still standing in the hall. I thought they would've gone to the lobby or some other nice place.

"You cried?" Liene noticed.

"AND she smiles!" Jonas said, "so I think it's a tear from happiness."

"You're right!" I said while I jumped into his arms and after that I hugged Liene. I was just so grateful for all their help and support. Without them, this never would have happened!

"What's the next step?" Jonas asked.

"Gianluca wrote that I had to ask you his number so I can send him a message. Or call him. But I don't know if I'm ready for that."

"One step at a time!" he said. "A message will be enough for now. He'll understand." He took his phone to give me Gianluca's number.

I was so nervous and excited at the same time, I had to type half of the numbers over again.

"Can I read the letter?" Liene asked very serious.

"Ehm, I prefer you not to read it actually. Not now." I almost changed my mind when I saw her puppy eyes.

"It's something very personal, Liene! We don't have to read that. The letter is not for us but for Aline", Jonas said in an 'I'm the big brother here and I shall tell my 5 year younger sister what's right or wrong in life' way.

"Maybe, someday I'll let you read it!" I said when I still saw she used her puppy eyes to convince me. "But right now, I want to keep the letter as close as possible, in my purse. And I'll never let it go."

one hour later

I had sent Gianluca, after a lot of hesitating, a message with my phone. I had told him I really wanted to meet him today. Luckily my parents were okay with that, because we were still on vacation with the family. But they also could go without me to all those touristic places. But I, I only wanted to spend my time with Gianluca. Even though we still hadn't really talked to each other so maybe it would be a total disappointment. I wiped that thought out of my mind and was concentrating on my phone again.

In no time, I received an answer from Gianluca.

'Dear Aline,

You maybe can come to my hotel. Then we can sit in the garden or do whatever we want to do. Or I can show you Rome or some other nice places. (But then we'll probably be surrounded by Ilvolovers. I don't think you'll like that right now)

What do you think of 11am?

love, Gian'

I totally agreed with his plan and I sended him very quick my answer.

It was almost 9.30 am. So I still had an hour and a half to prepare for my first 'date' with Gianluca. Or how should I call it.

"Oh no", I thought. "I only have stupid clothes left. I used the best pieces of my wardrobe already. How to impress my maybe future boyfriend then?" I screamed.

"I need to go shopping because only with the right clothes, I will feel self-assured. So if I want to be less shy and more confident, I have to find some new clothes immediately!"

"Jonas, were can I go shopping?" I asked impatient because there was no time to waste.

Jonas gave me directions to the shops. Luckily, not so far from here. I said goodbye to my parents and when I past the reception, I asked a second key for our room. We only had one key for each room and today I really could use one too.

A few minutes later, I was outside. On my way to some clothes stores, hoping to find something that would fit me really well.

When I arrived at the first store, I still had one hour and a quarter until 'the date'. But it looked like that store wasn't really my style. When I wanted to walk outside, I saw little raindrops fell out of the sky. "Oh no, not now. My hair! I don't want to wash my hair again. I don't have time for that!" I walked outside as fast as I could, trying to avoid every little rain drop. Unfortunately it only rained heavier.

Half an hour later, I still hadn't found something I wanted to wear. I left the store and still tried not to be flooded by rain drops. I decided to find a calm place where I could hide, but not too long of course. I walked as fast as possible without really running through the rain. My head facing the ground to avoid all the raindrops would splash into my face.

Letters to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now