11. the love letter

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I couldn't sleep, knowing Jonas and Liene probably were standing somewhere in the neighborhood of my favourite person. Maybe he already had read the letter? Or what if Jonas' plan fails and he never even receives it. That was almost impossible because Jonas and Liene promised me they would do everything to give Gianluca the letter.

Luckily I was quite content about it this time. It really did work out to let my heart speak. People should do that more often. Not do what you think that will be the 'coolest' but do what you really feel.

I was thinking about calling Jonas already. But what if he now was standing next to Gianluca? So I tried to forget that plan. I listened to some Il Volo music again and looked for a long time at the picture from the previous night. To my surprise my eyes became tired after a while.

the next morning

Apparently, I managed to fall asleep last night. I had dreamt about Gianluca. He was just sitting next to me, and we talked and talked all day long. And suddenly he gave me kisses, so in my dream we must have been a couple. And it felt right in my dream!

I wish dreams really came true. Like in fairytales.

That made me think about Cinderella. "Oh, I really love that story!" I thought while thinking about prince charming and how Gianluca could perfectly take over that role. I really hoped he was going to be my own prince charming soon. But perhaps that was too fast. I only saw him like 5 hours, including the ones he was performing on stage. AND not to forget, he probably wasn't in love with me.

"Oh, it's morning. I can call Jonas now!" I jumped out of bed and although Liene was lying next to me, I didn't want to hear it from her. It was Jonas' idea, so I was going to call HIM, even though he was maybe sleeping too. Liene was lying very peacefully under her sheets. If yesterday was a fail, she certainly wouldn't sleep that well. Because she hadn't said it, but I knew she really cared about me and she wanted my dreams to come true as well.

I took my phone and typed my brother's name in. It took so long before he picked up his phone. It seemed like hours to me. I really couldn't wait to hear the story. But a part of me was afraid to hear it as well.

"Hello, this is your brother speaking!" he said very formal.

"Jonas! What happened yesterday? With the letter? Tell me everything!" I screamed way to loud because I heard him literally take the phone away from his ear.

"Keep calm! He said. I think our plan worked out!"

"What do you mean, please tell me without building up the suspense this time because then I'm going to have a heart attack no matter what you say."

"Okay", he agreed, "so, from the start. We went to the concert but of course we didn't have a ticket. So we weren't allowed to enter the area." That was what I was thinking too yesterday, what made me even more nervous while not knowing what was going on.

"So we waited at a place they probably would pass to go back to the hotel. But apparently we missed them and they already were in the hotel half an hour before we noticed. So we went to the hotel, luckily we knew where it was now! They weren't in the restaurant or garden so I just asked the receptionist what the rooms from the boys from Il Volo were.

BUT of course he wasn't allowed to tell me, so he suggested to give the letter to him and he would give it later to Il Volo."

I interrupted him. "Oh no, what if he didn't give it to him!"

"Wait a minute, I was not done telling the full story."

"Oh okay, sorry! Go on then!" I said feeling a bit guilty.

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