Chapter 38: Delving Into The Past

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Troye had a best friend up until the end of Year 7. It wasn't anyone's fault that they had a falling out, it just happens sometimes. But he will always blame himself.

It was a warm day, a slight breeze brushing through the two boys' locks of hair. They climbed up into the tree house they had made, giggling all the way.

"That was an awesome prank, Troye" Matthew smiled, pearly whites shining.
Troye felt the butterflies in his stomach again, a mixed feeling of nervousness and pride. He stared into the boy's forest green eyes before replying.

"Well, you helped me with it, I couldn't have done it without you."

Matt just smiled. He shuffled to the back wall of the shack, resting his head against the wood.

"Hey, can you pass me some crisps?" he asked, motioning to the small bag they had brought with them.

Troye nodded, and pulled out two packets for the both of them. Throwing one to the other, he asked, "why do you call them crisps? We call them chips."

Matt shrugged. "Dunno, my family have always called them that."

They settled into silence, a comfortable one, munching on their snacks. Troye moved next to his friend, sitting shoulder to shoulder. Everything seemed to slow down, watching the boys in peace. The sun began to touch the horizon, golden rays filtering through the window.

Each time their shoulders brushed, Troye could feel the butterflies go wild in his stomach. He felt like he could throw up, but he didn't know why. This was his best friend. He was a boy. Troye was a boy.

He had to tell Matt.

"Matt-" he began, but when the mentioned boy turned his head to look at him, Troye forgot how to breathe.

The suns rays hit Matt's hair, letting the golden locks shine. His cheek and eyes were illuminated, giving him an ethereal look.

"Yeah" he said absent-mindedly.

Troye couldn't help it. He leaned in, eyes fluttering close. His lips kissed the other's. He could feel the nerves subside, feeling like on cloud nine.

Suddenly, two rough hands shoved him off cloud nine and off of Matt. He snapped his eyes open. Matt had crawled away from Troye, staring at him with horror and disgust.

"What the hell was that?" The boy cried.

"I - I'm so - sorry" Troye stuttered.

"What the hell? Get away from me! Leave me alone and never see me again you fag!" Matt screamed, scrambling out of the tree house.

Troye sat in shock. He covered his face with his hands, feeling an onslaught of tears building up.

'Fag'. That was the first time he heard it. It definitely wouldn't be the last.

The next day at school, Matthew avoided Troye at all costs. No eye contact, staying clear of him in a 1 metre radius and switching tables at recess and lunch.

Troye thought Matt would tell everyone about what happened, but thankfully he had the decency to stay quiet.

Neither of them answered why they were suddenly avoiding each other, but their friends were understanding.

When highschool rolled around, they went to separate schools, and Troye never saw him again.

He was left questioning what was wrong with him.

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