Chapter 1

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Every single tear drop that pours down my face stabs me in the heart. How can people live like this? I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't do anything anymore. It hurts too much. He sits there as if nothing ever happened as if he never cheated on me. What a prick. I'm glad I didn't let him take my virginity.

He was the best thing that ever happened to me. Gray was my inspiration. My motivation.

"Lucy. Lucy. LUCY!" My maths teacher shouted. I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on the task. I'm supposed to be good at maths but ever since the break up with prickhead over there, I can't focus on maths. In other words I'm failing maths. At the worst time as well, GCSEs are coming up and I need maths.

This was when I realised that everyone had left the classroom to go home and I was sat at my desk crying. Get a grip Lucy. Miss clousten walked over to me.
"Lucy I understand that you have just broken up with your boyfriend but your failing math. You need to understand that now is not a good time to be having a melt down. I suggest you get a tutor to catch up!" With that speech she left me.

Miss was right, now is not the time to be having a meltdown. I need to get a hold of my feelings and move on.

*couple of hours later*

So much for getting a hold of myself. I'm currently lying in my bed under the covers watching the notebook. Crying.

"Honey, come on you have to move on. Let's go get you cleaned up you have nutella all over your face." My mum explained. I wish everyone would stop telling me to move on. It doesn't help. I don't listen to my mum and just go straight to sleep.

I got up the next morning quite late and went to my ensuit bathroom. I quickly washed myself and but a pair of floaty blue shorts, black crop top and my pair of Nike's. I then put my new turquoise eye shadow on and my red lipstick. (See media above or at the side).

I went downstairs and found my mum talking to granddad. It was a very heated discussion. They don't usually argue. "We need a new thatched roof" my mum says. "No we don't ours is perfectly fine" my granddad replies. We live in Wiltshire on a street with thatched roofs. Ours is basically decaying right infront of our eyes but this house was my granddad's and ever since my dad dies he made it his duty to take over our house even though he doesn't live here anymore. He can't let go. "I think we should get a new one" I input. My mum gives my granddad the 'I won' look. "Fine we will get a new roof, I will ring them up now" and with that my granddad leaves.

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