Chapter 10

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Literally screaming inside. Its travelling time bitches. I'm going to America. To see a load of fit Americans. I am excited to see some of the YouTube crew. Don't get me wrong. It's going to be amazing. It is currently 3am in the morning and Joe is coming soon. Actually he should be here now. I grab my suitcase and head to the front door kissing my mum goodbye as I go. I open the door to see if he is here yet and as if on que he is there looking like he was about to knock. And right on queue my mum starts giggling again.

We're now at the airport and Joe has started vlogging I didn't really want to be featured much because I don't want people to get the wrong idea.
"LUCY!" Caspar shouts. He runs up to me and hugs me. Caspar and I have actually been texting recently and we really get along.
"You must be Lucy, Joe has told us a lot about you, I'm Zoe, Joe's brother" Zoe says. I look over at Joe and raise my eyebrows. He blushes and quickly turns away. He was cute when he blushes.
"Nice meeting you, I didn't know Joe has been talking about me" I say to her. "I'm going to tell you all about it, I love your hair" she said out of the blue. Joe had completely stopped listening now and had turned away to talk to Marcus. After everyone had greeted themselves to me we headed off to get on the plane.

I was sat next to Joe and Caspar. Zoe was sat next to Alfie and Niomi. Then behind them was Tanya, Jim and Marcus.

We were only half an hour into the flight and Caspar was already asleep. I was just about to drift off when I got nudged in the arm.
"Oi, just because we are off to America does not mean that you can slack off, you have work to do" he said and handed me 8 sheets of paper. A test.
"You have 2 hours" he said. I groaned.
"Joe don't be mean" Zoe said and punched him.
"That was the deal, she does work and she gets to come to America" Joe said to her. Zoe grunted and walked off.
I sat there doing the test until my 2 hours were over. I finished the test and Joe sat there marking it for a while.

I passed and got 92%. That is fine with me. After that I fell asleep for the remaining hours of the journey.

Joe's POV

She looked so peaceful sleeping. All of a sudden I felt something fall onto my shoulder. I looked down at my shoulder and saw Lucy's beautiful hair resting on me. Her hair smelled of coconuts. I never realised how beautiful she was. She's smart, funny, beautiful, inside and out.
"Joe mate, you're staring" Alfie who was sat behind me said. I quickly averted my eyes and stared at the seat in front of me. Once again, I couldn't stop thinking about her. About Lucy.

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