Dedicated to jcdida
Hello ! This is Fedor and to-
Okay, now here's the question from jcdida...
Why are you cute?
Toge toge priii priii...
Togepprrrriii!Okay togepi , wait.
How can we understand that?
Just wait. Here is mewtwo to translate it!!!!
Clap! Clap! Clap!
Hello everyone. I'm mewtwo, the translator.... Here is the answer of togepi:
I'm cute because I'm a fairy type pokemon... And also a lucky egg pokemon .. So catch us to be lucky!!!Thank you mewtwo.... That's the answer jcdida..
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Ask Togepi!
FanfictionAsk the lucky spike pokemon togepi! And he will surely answer your question! Fedor: Right? togepi? Togepi: tttttooooogggeeepppiiiiii!