Question #8

79 8 2

Dedicated to KhaalidSapphire

Hello everyone! I'm Fedor and this is my pokemon



Mewtwo! Of course!

Clap! Clap! Clap!

We have another question from KhaalidSapphire:
Why are you so happy around everything and never felt afraid?

Okay, Togepi you know what to do...

Togepi! Toooo! Geeee!! Geepprrriii!! Togeprriii!! Toggeeppppii!!!!
Tooggeeepppii!!! Toggeeppii! Toggeeeeppii!!!


Togepi answered:
As I said in question #7, I love everything so that's why I'm happy around everything. I'm not afraid at almost everything because we have a trusted trainer in our back and why are you afraid? I am cute, and no one will scare me because of my cuteness ...

There you have it KhaalidSapphire.. Thanks for asking. Ask some more!

Thank you!

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