Question #4

146 8 6

Dedicated to jcdida

Hello everyone! I'm Fedor !!! And this is


We have a bad news here everyone.. Mewtwo will be absent for a while because he is in a pokemon center.. So instead of catching team rocket, we caught the talking Meowth from team rocket.!!!

Woah! What??? Huh? Boooh.. Boo...

Hey why is my background sounded like that???!!!
Oh! Hello everyone!

Boo.. Bbbboooo...

Hey! Ah forget it. I'm just doing this  for money.

Okay! Everyone back to the topic.
jcdida asked:
Do you always do good things?

Togepi! Togepi togepi! Togepi togepi...

Translate it now meowth!

He said:
Yeah! We, good togepis, do good things everyday!...

There you have it jcdida.
Thanks for the questions!

Can I leave now?


No you can't Meowth. ..

Ugh! This is so boring...

Boo .. Booo .. Boooh

It is not boring. It is amazing.
You can now sleep meowth! I know you're just tired. .

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