Dedicated to jcdida
Hello everyone! I'm Fedor and this is my pokemon
Here's the question number six from jcdida :
What can you say to all pokemon trainers who think your weak?
Oh that's ahh harsh one...
Toooiggeeepppiiii!!!! Togepi togepi!! Togepi togeppiii!! Tooggeeppii togeeppiii!!!!
Togepiii,,,, :(Oh no! Togepi is crying!
Mewtwo what did togepi said.
He said:
We are not weak! You don't know what your thinking!!! You don't know how we love trainers, we never give up to be strong! I think your the weak one because your weak in thinking !!!! That message is not for you jcdida. We know you love togepis and we know you have a togepi in your pokeball ..we love you!!!Wow! What a long answer!
There you have it jcdida.. I hope those trainers learn how togepis important in pokemon life and show. And togepis lucky .. Right togepi?Toooogggeeeeppprrriii!!!!!
Bye everyone! Ask more.
Ask Togepi!
FanfictionAsk the lucky spike pokemon togepi! And he will surely answer your question! Fedor: Right? togepi? Togepi: tttttooooogggeeepppiiiiii!