Question #6

101 9 4

Dedicated to jcdida

Hello everyone! I'm Fedor and this is my pokemon




Here's the question number six from jcdida :

What can you say to all pokemon trainers who think your weak?

Oh that's ahh harsh one...

Toooiggeeepppiiii!!!! Togepi togepi!! Togepi togeppiii!! Tooggeeppii togeeppiii!!!!
Togepiii,,,, :(

Oh no! Togepi is crying!

Mewtwo what did togepi said.

He said:
We are not weak! You don't know what your thinking!!! You don't know how we love trainers, we never give up to be strong! I think your the weak one because your weak in thinking !!!! That message is not for you jcdida. We know you love togepis and we know you have a togepi in your pokeball ..we love you!!!

Wow! What a long answer!
There you have it jcdida.. I hope those trainers learn how togepis important in pokemon life and show. And togepis lucky .. Right togepi?


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