Question #20

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Hello everyone! Welcome to Ask togepi! We will answer the questions of drudirakie for now so the questions are:
Who is your pokemon crush?
Whom do you prefer; Jessie or James?

Ohhh!! What a wonderful question.. I forgot to introduce my name! Hello my names Fedor and this is ???.. Where's togepi!?!

Audience: Whhaaa?

Oh togepi... Mewtwo can you search where is togepi? Use your powers..

Mewtwo: Okay, wait..

So Togepi! Whereever you are. If you dont like to answer this we will! Right horsea?


We will tell more about your pokemon crushes!!!!

Fedor: So one time, umm..
We were in the forest here in Johto and we were welcomed by forest pokemon(s) and they gave us berries. There were five belossoms and they were nice to togepi and the third one gave togepi her berries.. So togepi was touched by the affection of that bellosom and he also love the aroma of her and was you know "really obsessed".. So when we were going to go to the next town, Togepi umm... Painted his shell with blue and head green and it looks like togepi is an Oddish... So when we found out we get togepi and grab him to the gate but togepi was crying so loud he cried and was really enraged and he used metronome and he used sleep powder on us. So its still a mystery if he dated that belossom or not but i dont think so because when we woke up he was crying.. hehehehe

Fedor: Another one was that Marill from a friend....

Togepi: *Uses metronome*

Metronome turns out to be Vital Throw... *throws Fedor into the sky.*

Fedor: oh nooooo!!!! *Ting sound*

Togepi: Toge toge topi prrriiieee!!

Mewtwo: That means "And thats all everyone Thank you for reading....

Horsea: Hoorrrsseeeaaaa! Horse Horseaaa!

Mewtwo: Oh we forgot to answer Question #2... Okay now togepi since Fedor is not around, answer the question.

Togepi: ^~^ Toge toge toge toto prrriiiieee! Togeppprrriieee togeprieee!!!

All pokemon audiences: Hahahaha

Horsea: 0_0

Mewtwo: -_- That is not the answer togepi. Don't tell that to people....

Mewtwo: I think togepi will answer James because James love cute pokemon and togepi is also a fan of James Pokemon like chimchang? Couldnt remember What He's pokemon is but it would probably be cute pokemon of James..

Horsea: Horse horssseeeaaa

Mewtwo: That means "That will be all thank you sorry for the inconvenience!!!" -_-


Meanwhile, (Fedor in a sunny yet relaxing beach)

Fedor: Come to think about it, it might be okay if I just stay here and relax.....

(The camera then zoomed out and the beach setting would be seen.) (with pokemon alola sound)

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