Dedicated to Wendy1120
Good morning everyone!!! Here we have Mewtwo, togepi and horsea! So we have another question from Wendy1120:
What level do you evolve?
What do you evolve into?Wow. Two questions... Well togepi??
Togeppprrii!! Toge toge toge pipi pipiiii!!!! Priii!!! Prrrii!!! Toooo too ge gee pprrriii!!!
Mewtwo!!! Let's go!!
Togepi said:
We togepis will evolve if our happiness is full. But I didn't want to evolve for now. If we will evolve we will evolve into togetic!Well, we have a guest everyone!!! So as we search for questions, my togepi says someone will here for us to talk. Well, shes right here now!!!From The togepi mirage, Misty's Togetic!!!!
Audience: woohhh!!! Yeahhh!! Clap clap clap!!!
Audience: murmurs... Mur mur mur...
I have a question for you Misty's togetic, that is relatable to Wendy1120's question. Would you answer it togetic??.
Togetic said:
Yes! Of course!Okay, I'm gonna ask? What is the feeling when you finally evolve?
Togetiic!! Tiiicccc!!! Togeee tttiiccc!!! Tiiccc!!! Toggeee tiicccc!!! Tic tic tic!!!!
Togetic answered:
Oh, I feel stronger than before and I gained confidence over my self! And I'm so happy that I have saved togepis!..Wow. What an answer!!! Well togetic can you help train my togepi?
Horseeeaa! :D :D
...okay, ask some more!!
Ask Togepi!
FanfictionAsk the lucky spike pokemon togepi! And he will surely answer your question! Fedor: Right? togepi? Togepi: tttttooooogggeeepppiiiiii!