Question #19

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Hello Wonderful people! I'm Fedor !and this is..... Ask togepi!!!

Clap! Clap! Clap!*audience*

We have some questions around here.... Oh! Here it is! Its from drudirakie:
What is your fave food?
Do you think you can beat pikachu?

What a good question right horsea?


Now,its time to answer the..... Question!

Clap! Clap! Clap! *audience*

First question!

Togepi togepi togepi! Toge toge toge toge pi pi pi! Togepi togepi togepi!

Mewtwo! Its your turn !

Togepi said:
As I said, I like sweet foods! Like berries and candies! Oh! And berry munchkins!

Clap clap clap! *audience*

Now for the second question :
Do you think you can beat pikachu?

Togepiii ! Togepii! Togeeppi totogegepipipi!toggeepppiii!togeepii!togetogepipi! Togeepiii! Toggeepppii! Togepi! Togetogetoge... Pipipi... Toge toge toge prrrii ppprrriiii! Toggeeepppprrriii! Prrrii! Togetogetoge prrriiiii.....
Toge toge toge.... Toge toge toge pri pri !pripriiii! Togepppprrriiiii...


Togepi answered:
I don't really know but we will imagine! Let's go! Imagine-imagine Time!
*tut tut tut turutut tut...tutut turutururut tururuttut turururut.. -a sound pokemon game creates when a battle starts.*
Ash wants to battle! Ash sent out his pikachu!
Fedor sent out his togepi!
Pikachu use thunderbolt!
But togepi used substitute!
The substitute fainted!
Togepi used metronome!
It turns to be splash!
"Togepi! -_-"-Fedor
Pikachu used thunderbolt!
Togepi fainted!
Pikachu wins the battle! Ash won! You give up 150 pokemoney(is that the money name?)...

Clap! Clap! Clap! *audience*

I think now you know the answer! Good job! Togepi! Well that's it for today everyone! Ask some more!

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