Question #12

31 3 0

Dedicated to Wendy1120

Hello everyone! We are back for some more. I'm sorry for a long long break because I have now my own journey!!!


Clap clap clap!!!!!

Now we have a guest right now its my horsea!!!

Horsea!!! Hoorrrss!!!

Now our question from Wendy1120:
Do you like battling???

Tooggeppprrrii togepri!!! Togepri!!! Toge toge toge togepppprrrrriii!!!!


let's go Mewtwo!!

Hello everyone! I'm Mewtwo!!!

Clap clap clap!!!

So togepi said:
I don't like battling. Because I don't want to hurt someone. It is just so mean. I don't want to have enemies. But if someone hurt my trainer, I will battle!



Question number two from Wendy1120:
Do you like pokemon contest or do you prefer to battle?

Go togeppiii!!!

Tattoo geppprri to toge toge PPI pi pi piiiii to to gege pi pipi pi pi togepi!??



Togepi said:

As I said I don't want to battle. So I'm gonna choose Pokémon contest but This isn't for me. But if I will? What should I join then? What category? (Smart or cute or beauty or cool or tough?)

Oh togepi ask now
......well, that's it everyone. If you like your questions to be answered already least comment it again and ask some more!!!
And this is Fedor leaving you now... Bye!



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