Difficult question #1

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Dedicated to show for jcdida and KhaalidSapphire and other readers.

Hello everyone!

Clap! Clap! Clap!

I'm Fedor and this is my pokemon



Mewtwo here everyone!

Clap! Clap! Clap!

No one ask us this time but the show (or this story) must go on. . . so instead of other wattpad trainers ask questions to togepi, I will ask him! A very very very hard question!..

Clap! Clap!


That's right togepi. Here's my question for you ..

Do you believe in God?
Do you have a God?

Answer it togepi.


Tooggeeppii!! Ppii ttooggee! Togepppiii... Togeppii!
Toge toge pprrrii!

What's the answer mewtwo?

Here's the answer of togepi:
I believe in God. Of course!
I believe in two Gpds . God of everything and God of Pokémon who is Argoes??


No togepi. . it's Arceus!!!

To to! Gegeggeeege! Priiiii!!!

There you have it everyone. You know now that togepi is genius too... Hehehehehehe!

Goodbye! Everyone! Ask some questions!

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