Question #2

159 11 5

Dedicated to jcdida

Hello once again, I'm Fedor and here's

............ Togepi is serious...

Togepi? What are you thinking?


Togepi ignored...

Okay, let's give the floor of welcome to mewtwo ..

Hello everyone. ..

Now here's the question from jcdida
Do you like bug pokemon??

Oh, now I know why togepi is serious...


Togepi togepi!

Okay, togepi answer the question.

Togepi togepi! Togepi!
Toto ggee ppppiiii!!!!

Translate it mewtwo... ( smirking)

Okay, togepi cried:
I am very afraid of bugs! I don't like them!!!!

Togepi! Togepi togepi!
(That's not true!)

He said:
They are so scary and they're not even cute!!!

(What? I didn't say that?)

There you have it jcdida!!!


He he he! Ask some more everyone!

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