Chapter 2

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That same day, Shadow was unable to get any rest so he hefted himself off the ground of his den and walked around camp. He couldn't think straight at all...there was too much going on...

And Sonic tried to get some rest, but horrific nightmares plagued his mind and his stomach was killing him, making the ill uke whimper every now and then in his not-so-pleasant sleep...

By the time he arrived at the den where the wounded Beta resided, he saw that he cobalt male was lost deep within a nightmare. And a bad one, it seemed...

"Stop..." Sonic whimpered out in his sleep, "Please...stop..."

Shadow blinked, but didn't comment and he dropped the rabbit in front of Sonic. It landed with a dull "thud". He prodded the male in the side. "Hey, wake up," he commanded with a frown.

To his surprise, Sonic calmed at the sound of his voice, but he was right back at it a few moments later, still not having managed to get free of his horrible nightmare.

Soon, Shadow gets fed up with the unresponsiveness of the wolf, "GET UP NOW OR FACE THE WRATH OF HELL YOU LITTLE B***H!!!" He snarled, snarled, obviously losing his temper over the littlest things.

"AAAHHH!!!" Sonic screamed, jolting awake and shooting up on his heavily wounded legs entirely too fast, causing him to stumble and fall on his wounded side again, making his yelp loudly in pain. The blue male breathed heavily as he stared up at Shadow in complete horror as his sleepy mind tried to catch up with everything.

"Thank you for getting up. Now, eat," Shadow growled, not at all sorry he had hurt the Submissive. "You know, I don't see why your Alpha found you at all attractive. You look like you shouldn't even be worth the trouble of killing," He grumbled just loud enough for Sonic to hear.

To say that the wounded male was hurt by his actions and words was an understatement. He managed to hold back his tears as he somehow stood again, with quite a bit of difficulty, before sitting on his throbbing legs. He stared at the rabbit, which only made his stomach more upset, but decided that he did NOT want to bring anymore of this Alpha's wrath on him again, so he reluctantly grabbed the rabbit in his jaws and managed to badly limp over to a corner away from the opening of the cave where he'd be able to eat in peace.

"...Thank you..." came his soft mumbled reply as he lay down once again beside his meal, even though he didn't feel all that up to eating at the moment.

"Yeah, you should be thanking me. Without me, you'd be screwed." Shadow grumbled. He could care less what the uke thought of him. He didn't know when he became so cold towards others--nor did he care. He just knew he hated everyone, missed his mate, and never wanted to move on in life.

Sonic tensed at his harsh words and was glad when the male left him alone once again. The weak male just stared at a spot on the opposite side of the cave as more tears fell, his whimpers going unheard as he cried, "I just want to go home...."

Amy stepped back into her den. She silently cursed as she smelled the strong scent of Shadow, angry as always. She glanced at poor Sonic and became sympathetic.

Sonic looked over at the female once she'd entered and turned his head, curling up and hoping to fall asleep, his sniffling still heard as he silently cried. Why did everything have to go wrong in his life? What had he done to deserve all this?

"You feeling any better, Sonic?" Amy asked. When she received no response, "You know...Shadow doesn't mean to be so mean...he's just lost a lot.." she murmured. No one in the pack ever addressed Shadow by name except his brother and Amy. It was quite strange.

Two blue ears perking up a bit was the only way she knew that he was listening and that she could continue because other than that, he still hadn't moved, the rabbit still going untouched.

Amy smiled sadly--she was quite pleased that the younger wolf was actually listening to her.

"Well, Sonic, Shadow did have a mate some time ago and mind you this was when he was Beta and his father--may he rest in peace--was Alpha. His mate was a very...pretty female named Maria. She meant the world to Shadow and while she was pregnant there was an avalanche where we used to live that killed her and all six of their younger pups. The avalanche also killed his parents. It was quite sad, but it was only a few others that died along with them. Shadow became Alpha and moved us all here--closer to Scourge's pack and away from the danger of more avalanches..."

At that, the wounded uke turned to face her.

"That...that's so sad..." he mumbled, actually feeling sorry for Shadow, no matter how mean he seemed.

"Shadow refused to take another mate. He refuses a lot of food that he needs and refuses friendships or relationships at all. Mostly he lays up in the big den of his." Amy said calmly, smashing up a few herbs to rub on Sonic's wounds.

"At least he has a brother that actually treats him like a brother is supposed to be treated..." Sonic sighed as he lay his head down again, feeling extremely tired.

"His brother is really the only one he listens or talks to...I'm surprised he came to check on you..or even thought to bring you his own food." She responded rubbing the gell-type paste she had made on his wounds to sooth any pain.

He winced sligtly at the paste as it was being appiled, and then his eyes grew distant and saddened, "That may be true, brother is the one that did all this to me..."

"...Scourge is your brother?!" Amy asked while rubbing the paste in.

"Exactly..." Sonic answered before adding, "How else would you expect a uke to have a Beta position? If anything were to have happened to him, I would've taken over as Alpha of the pack whether I was a uke or not...."

"Oh...I just thought you might've been strong. You seem sweet and soon as your wounds are all healed I'm sure you'll feel better about being here. No one hates you...even if Shadow seems to hate you he really doesn't. I swear it." Amy murmured.

Sonic sighed once she was finished and replied, "I just want to get away from here as soon as possible. My whole life has been turned upside down...I have nothing else to live for..."

Then he looked the female in the eyes and asked something that actually shocked Amy, "Why didn't you and the others leave me out there to die?"

Amy stood shocked for a few moments before saying, "Why would we leave you out there? No matter who you are or why you were there...I don't believe anyone could sleep well at night knowing we'd left you to die..."

The depressed uke couldn't help looking at his belly where his growing pups would've been before turning his head away and mumbling, "I wish you would have..."

"Oh, don't be so glum. Things will get better" Amy said with a fake smile. She knew the poor uke might never find someone that would love him for him--it was hard for ukes to find someone like that anyway, no matter how rare they were.

Sonic remained silent at that, not believing a word she said. But, he knew one thing for sure, as soon as his legs were good enough to move around on, fully healed or not he was leaving, hoping to get up and over the mountain range that was to the east of here before the full force of winter set in. He wanted to be away from everything right now; he wanted to get away from Scourge and he wanted to get away from Shadow.


Meanwhile Shadow lay in his den, staring out over his pack. He knew he had been losing body mass and although he was still huge and scary...he was loosing muscle by not eating as much as he should. It had only been three months...three...since he lost his mate and all his children. Deep down he was merely heart broken. He never wanted to care for anyone ever again because he knew first hand if he did...he'd lose the one he loved just like he'd lost her.

His heart began to ache....

It seemed that the fates hadn't been kind to either of the wolves as their minds became lost in thoughts of good memories, even though their hearts both bled constantly from heartache.

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