Chapter 7

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By the Sonic awoke once more, Shadow was off of him and gone from the cave. The uke instantly became worried since the moments after claiming were important and crucial to make sure their mating bond was secure. The Alpha was supposed to watch over and bond with his mate til the uke or female regained their energy, who would most likely be weakened from their coupling. Even he knew that despite being so young. Sonic stood to go find him, only to near yelp at the instant pain shooting up his backside. Yep, he'd be in one place for the next few hours. So, slowly lowering himself back to the ground, Sonic rested his head on his paws, wondering where his mate could be at a time like this....


Shadow snarled at Mephiles. He'd taken him from his mate, telling him that a strange group of wolves from another pack had crossed the border. He went to check it out with his brother and Knuckles, only to find a silver almost white she-wolf and two tan wolves waiting for them.

"What the hell do you want? You're all tresspassing and I've got better things to be doing than speaking to lowlifes. So make this quick." Shadow growled, in a foul mood.

"Alpha Shadow, our Alpha-- Scourge--believes has ran off and found refuge in your territory. We just peacefully ask for his safe return..." the white female said.

Shadow's eyes widened as his heart dropped. Why did this have to happen now? NOW of all times?! He knew what he was risking with his response...but decided his mate was worth it, "No. He ran from you're pack of idiots for a reason. He has already been fully accepted by my pack...and he is now very important to all of us. Now, get off my lands before I skin the lot of you."

The three wolves gave each other a look before a tan-gold male growled, "We'll be back." Then all of them left, running back the way they came.


Sonic, who'd been resting with his head on his paws with a sad look cast over his face behind his closed eyes, heard when Shadow returned and felt when he lay beside him. He opened his eyes slowly, looking at Shadow for a moment before looking away, a small look of hurt and worry in his emerald eyes.

Shadow licked Sonics cheek to show some small amount of affection. "I'm so, so sorry for leaving, my love. Mephiles came and demanded my help with an issue...please forgive me," he mumbled, feeling bad for leaving his poor uke behind.

''.....what was the problem?" Sonic asked quietly, trying to change the subject since he didn't know if he should forgive Shadow just yet...

"Some wolves crossed into the northern border..." Shadow mumbled, hoping Sonic would forgive him now.

''Did you happen to know them?" Sonic asked as he slowly began nuzzling his mate, which most likely meant that Shadow had been forgiven and that Sonic didn't want him doing that again anytime soon...

"No...they were from a pack I'm not familiar with." Shadow said easily, pleased that he'd been somewhat forgiven by his beautiful mate.

''Hm...'' came the content sigh from the azure uke, simply enjoying the fact that he now had his mate to himself.

''I was getting worried...'' he mumbled, having stopped nuzzling his ebony mate and now resting his head on Shadow's paws, looking up at him with his beautiful concerned eyes.

"Well, no need to worry any longer," Shadow murmured with a smile, nuzzling Sonic sweetly.

A smile and a purr came from the submissive wolf as he absolutely enjoyed this time with Shadow, thus making the new mated pair's bond stronger.

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