Chapter 9

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A week's time had passed since Shadow took Sonic to look out over the territories, and in that time, both males had found that Sonic was once again pregnant. The uke was extremely happy and extremely worried at the same time. But Shadow had promised that he wouldn't let anyone near him or his pups, so he felt safe.

And Shadow kept true to his word. The only one allowed to touch Sonic beside himself was Amy. He hardly ever let Mephiles drag him off for patrols anymore either.

It was around noon time that day, everyone having just finished their meals from the large hunt, with Shadow making sure that Sonic had plenty to eat. He did want a healthy mate and healthy pups after all.

And now, that everyone was full and content, pups ran around and played while their parents lounged about simply enjoying the nice sunny day. Sonic though, had decided that this would be a good time to take a nap, so he lay out in the sun near the entrance to the cave, with Shadow sitting not too far away.

Shadow kept looking from Sonic then back to his pack over and over again trying to keep them both safe. It was proving rather difficult for the poor wolf and making him slightly dizzy.

And when he saw Logan suddenly run over, he had a feeling that his day was about to get much, much worse....

The Alpha intently listened as Logan babbled on about Scourge and-at the very LEAST-3/4 of his pack coming this way. Towards Shadow's home. Shadow cursed before looking to Sonic. "Sonic...can you head in the den for now? There are a few things I need to deal with and I'd feel better if you were safe inside," he stated-trying to keep calm as Sonic reluctantly went into the den to nap instead.

And that's the exact moment Scourge showed up-- not looking the least bit happy.

"I need to speak with you Shadow," Scourge nearly growled.

Shadow had the advantage of size-- the mountain wolf needing the mass and bulk he had to survive winters in the snowy mountains while Scourge needed to stay lean and somewhat smaller to be swift and agile enough to survive out on the plains, though the green Alpha was still considered large for his pack.

The ebony male then rolled his eyes, "You know, I'm really getting kind of sick of your wolves being on my territory. Especially since half of them look like they're freezing their asses off as we speak. You need to talk with me? Then go ahead-- talk." He said coolly.

"Where is Sonic?" he frowned, getting straight to the point.

Shadow gave a short bark of laughter. "Way to get to the point. Well, for one thing, he isn't here. And even if he was, I wouldn't let you have him. As soon as the winter was over he left going up and over the mountains," he said calmly.

"Oh, really?" Scourge raised a brow with a smug smirk, "Then why did Rouge come back and tell me that you said that he 'was now an important member of your pack'?"

Shadow cursed softly, glaring at the white female who looked smug standing beside Scourge, "You better wipe that look off your face you instigating little b***h," he growled. His brother Mephiles smirked beside him, most of Shadow's wolves being bigger then Scourge's, as the other ebony male asked, "Why do you want him anyway...?"

"My mate Fiona died in the blizzard this winter," Scourge growled, "she was nearly three months pregnant and the pups died with her. But I knew she was too weak from the start so she needs to be replaced," he snorted.

"Sonic has carried my pups before, so he will do it again. Now, I've come to get back what is rightfully mine, Shadow. Sonic belongs to me. He's my b***h and I want him back," he snarled.

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