Chapter 8

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The next day, the morning sun found Shadow fast asleep, most likely having fell asleep somewhere during the night. The sun shone into the cave, landing on the ebony male's face, thus waking him up from his slumber. With a few muttered curses, he rolled over and expected to snuggle up against his mate, but when he opened his eyes, Sonic was gone.

Shadow immediately began to panic. He jumped up-- hitting his head on the low ceiling of the cave-- still disorientated from just waking up and moving so suddenly-- and ran out of the cave sloppily, looking sleep deprived.

And as he ran out, he nearly ran into the one that he was looking for.

"Shadow, what's wrong?" Sonic asked, having jumped slightly when Shadow nearly ran him over as he was about to make his way back into the cave.

"Oh! Sonic!" Shadow exclaimed with untold relief. He calmed himself finally, his worry ceasing as he smiled, "I was merely wondering where you had gone off to..."

"Well, I had woke up this morning and my stomach was bothering me pretty bad," he muttered sheepishly, "Didn't want to get sick all over the cave floor..."

" you went to see Amy, huh?" Shadow said, seeming less frazzled.

"No," Sonic said, plopping his bottom on the cave floor with a pout, "I found the nearest bush and reaquainted myself with yesterday's meal..."

He shuddered at the thought before asking hopefully, "I'd come back to see if you were awake and if you wanted to see Amy with me?"

Shadow licked Sonics cheek in almost a feeling sorry for him manner, "Of course...I'll go and see Amy with you..." he murmured.

"You think she's awake?" He asked as he stood, tail wagging slightly.

Shadow nodded, "She always wakes up early. Especially when they're a lot of pregnant wolves in the pack."

Sonic giggled as he and Shadow started walking, "Then I guess there will be a line, huh?"

"If there is one she'll see to you first." Shadow stated coolly.

Sonic blinked in surprise, "Really? Why?"

"Because you're my mate. And the mate of the Alpha is the most important uke or female in the pack," Shadow said.

Sonic blushed slightly though a smile was on his face, "Oh..."

Shadow couldn't help but to smile when he saw that beautiful smile which he loved so much come across his mate's muzzle.

They soon made it to the far end of camp where Amy's cave was stationed.

There was no line--fortunatly--and Amy was actually organizing out herbs for Sonic.

"Good morning, Amy," Sonic greeted happily.

"Morning Sonic!" Amy said with almost equal pleasure before turning to Shadow, "Shadow." She said simply.

"Amy." Shadow responded with equal displeasure.

Sonic raised a brow at the two before asking about the herbs, "Are those for me?"

"Yes. I had a feeling you might come today. These herbs are to help with any morning sickness and pain." Amy explained.

"That's exactly what I was coming to see you about," he giggled.

Amy smiled, "You'll find that I'm very good at my job, Sonic."

Sonic smiled his thanks at her before lowering his head to sniff at the herbs curiously.

"Eww, they stink!!" he protested, placing a paw over his nose.

Shadow burst out laughing.

Amy glared harshly at Shadow before looking to Sonic, "I know they have an...odorous scent about them, but you need to eat them."

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