Chapter 5

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Shadow yawned. He was just flat out tired from going huntingthe day before. Of course, Mephiles had come with him and they had both managed to catch a rather large elk. Though right now it didn't matter to Shadow... Mephiles always seemed to be in a bad mood lately. Shadow soon found the source of his discomfort--Mephiles' mate was hormonal and pregnant. Shadow just ended up teasing Mephiles about it through the whole hunting trip the day before, much to his brother's dismay and annoyance.

Shadow knew what time of the year it was and it freaked him out completely. He still spent time with Sonic but recently he'd began to smell like...really really good. He was sure other males had noticed as well. Soon Sonic went from being unknown to all the unmated males wanting to spend time with him.

And Sonic was simply confused. Although he'd been pregnant once before, he was still too young to have went through his first mating season yet. So, he had no idea whatsoever that he was giving ofc a strong, delicious scent that screamed that he was in heat and that he was willing and waiting to be taken. And he didn't understand why so many of the males now wanted to hang around him and why so many would bring him their share of the day's hunt.

'Why was everyone acting so strange?' he wondered.

Shadow was currently sitting beside Sonic that day, growling at any males that came near him at the moment. While he wasn't doing that he was memorizing Sonic's new scent...he knew he liked this scent so much better than Sonic's normal scent.

"Shadow," Sonic said as he moved closer to the ebony male, feeling extremely uncomfortable at all the lust-filled stares being sent his way, "your pack members are making me nervous...what's wrong with them?"

They're looks reminded him too much of Scourge's when he'd taken him all those months ago...

"Oh, really don't understand, huh? Well, they all want to be your're scent tells them you're in heat," Shadow mumbled lowly, patiently explaining the situation to Sonic, before raising his head and yelling, "EVERYONE GET FROM AROUND HERE!! NOW!!!" Every male scattered at that, though the frustrated Alpha curled his tail around Sonic to keep him from those who still gave him lust-filled looks.

Sonic visibly flinched at Shadow's shout, the yell alone scaring the young male somewhat. But when he saw that he was being pulled closer, Sonic blushed instantly.

"So, I'm...I'm in heat?" he asked.

Shadow instantly calmed hearing Sonic's voice, "Yes, that's why all the males are bothering you. As soon as someone mates with you the scent will go away and they'll stop..." he stated lowly.

"And..." his ears folded as his head dropped, a depressed look instantly on his face, "and I'll be pregnant again..."

Shadow licked Sonic's cheek in an attempt to make him feelbetter, "Or...I could just keep all those wolves away from you until the mating season is over in a week and your scent will go away then too." He murmured softly though he somewhat felt saddened that Sonic didn't want any pups...he'd be such a good mom...

"And you're the Alpha, Shadow," he murmured, still upset. "You won't be around me all the time and as soon as you're not around..." he shuddered at the thought, "it'd just be a repeat of last time. I want a mate that will love me for who I am, not just coming to me for a week's time during mating season every year. And I'd love to have more pups, I truly would, but...I just don't think I'd be able to live through the loss again if something happened..."

"Sonic...if you ever do become pregnant again...I'd do whatever I could to make sure that nothing happened to you or your pups..." Shadow murmured softly.

"But how?" Sonic asked as he finally looked him in the eyes, his gaze filled with worry and sadness, "If I were carrying, my mate wouldn't let you anywhere near me, whether you're the pack's Alpha or not..."

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