Chapter 1

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Shadow glared at a young scouting wolf that burst into his den. The younger wolf--he thought he could recall--was named Tails. Bah, what a stupid name...

"What is it you want?" Shadow growled and inwardly smiled in satisfaction as Tails shook in slight fear.

"We found a wolf...he smells like he's from Alpha Scourge's pack. He was badly wounded and deep in our hunting territory. Mephiles and Knuckles took him to Amy so he could get help. Amy...told me to tell you to come take a look at him..." Tails spoke in a fearful voice. His Alpha wasn't the nicest of souls. Even his younger brother Mephiles was better tempered, but both seemed vile to him.

With another low growl of annoyance Shadow hefted himself off the ground and pushed past Tails, out of his den and toward the den of Amy who just so happened to be the healer of his pack, though the stupid female often got on his last nerve. Especially now.


Sonic had came to a few minutes ago, disappointed that he was still in the land of the living. How much more suffering could he take? Just then, he picked up the scent of a nearby wolf arising, a powerful Alpha from the smell of it.

'Please... not again,' he begged silently as he could feel the other wolf come closer. He remained as still as possible, not even opening his eyes as the other curiously sniffed him. But he couldn't help the pained whine escape his lips as he was gently moved by the healer so that she could get to his other wounds. They'd unknowingly placed him on the side where his ribs were broken. The azure had to keep from screaming in pain as he continued to play unconscious, silently wondering where was he.

As Shadow sniffed the wolf, the scent told him some vital information about the male: he had been Scourge's Beta. The poor wolf was a pretty cobalt blue color and Shadow had seen nothing like him before. He heard a whine come from the wolf when Amy had moved him and the Alpha went around to the blue male's face.

"Open your eyes--you aren't fooling anyone," he growled. He had asked everyone--Amy, Mephiles, and Knuckles--to wait outside.


Lying on his wounded side was starting to be a bit much on the Beta, making him have a harder time breathing. His soft whimpers only seemed to increase the more his awakening body seemed to make known each and every pain on his battered body.

The blue male tensed when he found out that his cover was blown, the Alpha ordering him to look at him. So, with a pained wince, he hesitantly opened his eyes.

Shadow's deep and fiery crimson eyes bore into Sonic's emerald ones. The ebony male was already cranky about being woken in the middle of his nap only to run out into the deep snow to deal with a problem that shouldn't be his own. On top of that--he hated being tricked or deceived. Even a futile and failed attempt at it, such as pretending to be asleep, pissed him off.

"Speak your name and rank." He commanded.

The blue male flinched at the tone, backing away slightly from the other male before managing to answer, "S-Sonic...uke and f-former Beta to Alpha Scourge's pack..."

To Shadow that was quite a curious answer. There weren't many ukes in the wolf world to make it to Beta ranking. It somewhat impressed him actually.

"That is a..curious answer, Sonic." Shadow stated his tone losing the aggitation and anger but now becoming only bleak and bored, "And might I ask just what were you doing on MY territory?"

Sonic swallowed thickly before answering honestly, " Alpha and my pack betrayed me. They chased me away from the only home I've ever known..."

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