Chapter 13

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Shadow had been forced into his den by his brother who had to stop him from blindly charging into Scourge's territory and getting himself killed. His body shook from where he sat, but not with cold. Tears streamed from his dull eyes that stared down at nothing and fell to the cold, hard ground below. The very cave that's been his home since he first ever became Alpha no longer felt right without his mate there beside him...

Why? Why was he again not able to protect his family?


Sonic was plagued by horrid nightmares that night, making his sleep restless as he whimpered and cried out in his sleep. He awoke with a scream, looking around and panting heavily, his fur drenched with sweat.

''Shadow?" He grew more and more worried when he didn't answer. He kept calling out to his mate, wondering where Shadow could possibly be since he was still far too disoriented and dillusional from sleep to know where he truly was right now.

Scourge sighed, "Would you shut you already?! You stupid b*tch..." he grumbled, giving Sonic a strong kick to the side.

He cried out in pain from the kick, the force strong enough to knock him off balance and land on his side. He winced loudly when he slowly sat up, feeling his pups move around frantically within him. He prayed they were alright. He was so scared, both from the nightmares and from his reality. Shadow would be there comforting him, trying to calm him down. But Shadow wasn't there which only made his heart ache even more. He just hoped that someone would find him soon...

Scourge stretched with a yawn before glaring down at Sonic. "I have important things to do right now, so stay here. And I dare you to try and get out," he growled with a sneer. Then he merely left the den.

Sonic felt his energy leave him as he slumped to the ground, eyes full of tears and on the verge of overflowing. He sighed heavily, looking out the cave at the faraway mountain range he could see from a distance which only made his heart long for his mate. Shadow was out there in those very mountains, somewhere.

'Shadow...' he called out mentally, 'please come find me...I need help.'


Shadow fortunately was already on his way. He woke early to get all of his pack-- spare that of Amy, any mothers with pups, and the pups themselves--to attack Scourge's. It was still dusk out and they were on their way.


Later on that day, Scourge growled lowly, could Sonic not shut up?!

''Scourge, all I want is to go for a walk around camp,'' he tried reasoning, ''my legs hurt and I'm tired of being cooped up in this cave all day long...''

"Would you stop your damn complaining?!" the green wolf finally snapped, tired of hearing the Submissive whining all day.

''If you'd actually listen to me then I'll stop!!" the smaller male snapped back. ''I told you the first time that I wasn't going to run away!! I can't run now even if i tried!!"

"I. SAID. SHUT. UP!!" Scourge roared, slashing Sonic across his face with his claws before kicking his side again, "Maybe if you shut the f*ck up you'd be allowed out!"

Sonic yelped slightly from the claws to the face, but the rough kick that had him landing harshly on his side with his belly taking most of the force of the hit was what had the heavily pregnant male screaming at the top of his lungs in agony.

Scourge sneered as he actually spat on his brother, "Take that, stupid b*tch."

Tears fell down Sonic's face as he moved a little, slowly trying to stand.

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