Chapter 14 (The End)

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Shadow was deeply concerned for his mate when he didn't wake. He would nudge and nuzzle him, but so far none of it helped.

Sonic was in a deep healing sleep since his energy had been drained to critical levels from the birth. It would nearly be an entire day and a half before he woke again.
Shadow sighed and called for Mephiles, Knuckles and another wolf to carry his pups back to the pack. While he managed to get Sonic on his back to take him home.


The following day, around noon, a tired groan came from a certain cobalt uke. An emerald green eye slowly opened, only to close tightly from the sunlight shining into the cave. So, he turned and buried his face into the body of fur that lay beside him, about to fall back to sleep. His eyes instantly snapped opened and he quickly stood up from the body, thinking he was still with Scourge and trapped back at his former home. He'd unfortunately stood too quick and his weakened legs gave out on him, making him land with a startled yelp.

Shadow eyes snapped open, "Oh Sonic! You're okay." He exclaimed, nuzzling the male. Their pups were with Silver currently who generously offered to look after them for a while.

''Shadow?" He looked up at him with confusion, ''What...what happened?"

Shadow couldn't stop smiling as he said, "After you gave birth to our pups you lost consciousness. We managed to get all our pups and you back home. And you woke up today...I waited for you to wake..." he murmured, nuzzling his lover.

''How long have I been out?" He asked, a smile growing across his face now that he was free and his pups were alright.

"A few days?" He asked himself before answering, "Almost a day and a half I believe. Don't worry though. Silver volunteered to take care of our pups while you were out..."

Sonic ears perked up at that, ''How...many did I have actually? I lost count, I think...''
Shadow thought about it for a moment--having forgotten as well, "You know...I believe it was four or five..."

''That many?" He said happily.

Shadow nodded, "I'm really proud of you." He murmured.

Sonic blushed slightly and smiled, ''Thank you...''

Shadow nuzzled Sonic affectionately, "Wanna go see our pups...?" He asked.

Sonic's eyes lit up with excitement and he nodded eagerly.

Shadow smiled and helped Sonic over to where Silver and Mephiles' den was and their pups were.

Sonic was nervous and somewhat hesitant about entering, yet he didn't know why. But a gentle nudge on the rear from Shadow had him moving forward.

Silver lifted his head from where he lay, smiling at his fellow uke. "Glad to see you're better Sonic," was all he said before motioning with his muzzle at Sonic's pups.

Sonic would've answered if he hadn't locked his sights on his pups. His breath hitched in his throat and he slowly walked over to the slumbering little ones. He smiled so happily, his eyes filling with happy tears as he leaned down and nuzzled them all gently. His ebony pup, his beloved first born, stirred from the caressing and whimpered after waking up from its peaceful slumber. And when the little one noticed the scent of its mother his whimpering, squeaks and cries increased as he tried to locate his mother, moving around with what little motor skills he had and since he was still 'blind'. It only earned another smile from the uke.

Shadow chuckled while Silver only looked highly amused. Silver's remaining two pups--the third having been killed by Scourge to distract the pack--lay beside his muzzle. The two remaining were the pretty white female who they found had one gold and one green eye, and the dark gray male who merely had two green eyes like its father. Each of them was a good bit older then Sonic's brood, their other sister having been killed by Scourge when she wandered off while her siblings, Silver and Mephiles had been eating. The metaphor being true: Curiosity killed the cat...or wolf in this instance.

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