Chapter 11

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Mephiles' ears were pinned back as he moved. Pacing. Pacing. Pacing. He was silently panicking. Silver. Pups. Everything was a blur.

Silver had gone into labor nearly six hours ago and the pups had yet to arrive. Amy was inside, along with a few trusted females, helping the laboring uke with the birth. His pained whimpers and loud cries of agony were starting to get to him as time continued to pass.

Mephiles thoughts were racing, his heart pounding against his chest as he paced. He was beyond worried--pups. Silver. Pups. Silver. Pups. Silver.

Then a little while later, after a few grunts and screams from his mate, there was instant silence which instantly made him panic.

Mephiles' heart sank when there was no wailing of pups, no nothing. His heart broke but he froze mid-pace when he heard something. A...a smile whine.


One pup.

The others--dead.

However, the new father was to be shocked two more times that night, for a little while after the whine of his lone pup, two more individual whimpers could be heard. He could even make out the small congratulating whispers the females were giving Silver for having been able to bring three pups into the world.

The Beta's joy overrode his despair when Amy brought out two pups that didn't make it. He was upset, yes, but three living pups? More then he could've hoped for.

One of the females then exited, saying that he could now enter but not before giving her congrats to the new father who dashed inside.

Mephiles' tail wagged happily when he saw his tired mate and pups.

Silver opened a heavy eyelid as his mate approached, earning a tired smile from the weak mother as their pups nursed hungrily. There were two girls and a boy, much to the parents' joy--a silver female, a little ebony female, and a dark grey male, all whimpering and making squeaks, yips, and other noises as they nursed.

Mephiles watched, intrigued as the females quietly left--leaving the Betas to themselves. Mephiles sniffed them all one by one curiously to store their scents to memory before smiling proudly at Silver, "Silver, did it!" he praised, happily licking Silver's cheek.

Silver's smile grew even more as he nuzzled his mate with what little energy he had left. He was devastated that he'd still lost two pups in the end, but there was nothing he could do about it. Although, he would have a heavy heart for some time now, he had to remain strong for his little ones that did make it. He couldn't be more happier that he finally gave his mate what he truly wanted.

"Oh, did good, honey...I'm so proud of you..." Mephiles murmured, 'kissing' Silver's head again and again.

''I'm glad...'' he managed to say quietly with a teary smile, his voice strained from so much screaming and a little from his emotions getting the best of him.

Mephiles smiled softly with as much love as he could give in one smile, "Get some rest, love. You've earned it," he murmured, nuzzling him lovingly.

Silver didn't have to be told twice. Giving birth, let alone to five pups, was excrutiating and exhausting to the uke. He fell asleep almost instantly to the whimpering sounds of his pups, as the new father watched over his family with pride.

Meanwhile, Amy had given Shadow and Sonic the news on Silver's pups. It pleased Shadow to know at least this once the Betas would have pups. Hearing two of them died was so small compared to two of them living.

And Sonic was overjoyed at the news. He was so happy for Silver. He couldn't wait to see them all. And then a thought brought a smile to his face as he gazed at his belly that was much bigger than it was two weeks ago. One could clearly see that he was pregnant now. He hoped that Silver's pups and his own would be able to grow up and play together.

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