Well, that's my life

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A/N: Hi! Soooooo this is my first story here :D Enjoy reading :) It's kind of a modern version of red riding hood... Tell me what you think about it :) See you later. Xx Joy Ps: There will be swearing so...If you have anything against that.... don't complain :P And that's my story, copyright and everything!!


-Well, that's my life-

I woke up. Well, that's what I do every morning anyway, but still. It was my first time waking up here in Riverhill, the small town that is my new home since yesterday. It was a cute town, near a big forest. It was on a hilltop and a river cut through the center. That's why it has gotten its name. I sighed and shoved the blanket away from me. Me and my mom moved here because my grandma lived here. She was pretty rich and she wanted us near her. She even bought us this nice house we were staying in. It was near the outskirts of town but the important things like the shop and the school were in walking distance. And tomorrow would be my first day at the local High School. Yay, I couldn't wait. That was my usual sarcastic self, I absoluetly despised being the new kid. I was it once and I actually hoped that I'd never be it once again in my life. It was in third grade and I only had one friend. She also was my only friend ever, and I already missed her a lot. Her name was Alexandra, but she preferred to be called Al. She was a bit of an outcast, and so was I, this was the reason we became friends so fast. Al always was different from the other girls. Her hair was always cut short and her favorite color was black. She wasn't shy, she always said what she was thinking and everybody found that a bit intimidating. That was the reason everybody else avoided her. Andi f she hadn't protected me, I'm pretty sure all the other kids would have bullied me. I absoluetly loved her, she was my best friend ever. And now I've left her. She said she'd visit as soon as possible, and that was in my mind a pretty good thing. Luckily, Riverhill was only half an hour from my former hometown, Woodhall, away. And if I wanted to go shopping I had to go there, we didn't have a mall here in Riverhill. I sighed again, thinking about Al. She wouldn't have trouble without me, she was strong and everything. In some points we were absoluetly the same, but I was rather cautious while she wasn't afraid of anything. I was afraid of going to a new High School and of the people there that I didn't know. She would just have walked in, not giving a fuck what the other people thought about her. I was different. I wanted people to accept me and stuff. I was too afraid what people could do to me if they didn't like me. I was insecure and easily scared, the perfect victim for bullies. The best I could hope for was that the people at school just ignored me and left me alone, but I suspected it wouldn't be that way. In such a small town as Riverhill were things like new student a rare thing, especially in the middle of the school year, it was a change in the usual boring normalness. I dreaded tomorrow and I told my mum I didn't want to go to school tomorrow, I wanted to get to know the town better, but she cut me off pretty quick. I had to go to school, she said. I was happy that christmas was soon, so Al could stay with us over winter break. Her parents were okay with that, they were travelling for their company this time. Al was happy because she could spend her holiday with me and I was happy as well. I groaned, I remebered that I had to endure the new school for three whole weeks until it was winter break. After pitying myself for a bit, I finally got up. I walked over to my new walk-in closet (thanks grandma!) and studied my clothes. I didn't know what I was going to do today, so I decided against sweatpants and tanktop. I think we were going to eat with grandma today... I looked outside the window. There was snow everywhere: on the trees, in the backyard and on the street. I hate winter. At least it wasn't snowing right now. I decided to go and take a shower and after that I would be picking out my clothes. The cool thing about the house was that I had my own bathroom and I didn't have to share it with mom like in the small crappy appartement we had back in Woodhall. Grandma decided that it was time that we moved to Riverhill because she wanted some family around. After all, my mom and I are the only family she has left. My Moms older brother died in a carcrash when he was 23 and grandpa died 5 years ago because of cancer. Mom left Grandma when she was twenty, two years before Michael, moms brother, died. She found the love of her life at college and had me when she was twentyfour. We had a happy life until I was 10. My father was shot by a gang while he was shopping. After his death we moved to Woodhall and stayed there for over seven years. She hasn't had any contact to her own mother for about twenty years until half a year ago. We got a letter in the mail saying that we'd have to move to Riverhill and everything was already done. I never really knew why my mom left her family anyway so I was a bit curious about that. Maybe I could ask my grandmother that I never really met, because my mom won't tell me anything. I thought about that while showering. I really had to get to know grandma so I could ask her all these questions. After a while I stepped out oft he shower, wrapping a towel around me. I walked over to my closet and sliped on some underwear. Now what to wear... I picked some black skinny jeans, a burgundyred shirt and an oversized grey sweater. After putting on my clothes I made my bed. I'm a bit of a neatfreak, everything has to be tidy. In this case I'm the direct opposite of Al. She left chaos everywhere she went. I sighed again, thinking of my bestie that is currently miles away. Just after I finished making my bed I heared my mom calling. „Alice, come down here!"-„Coming!" I shouted back. Quickly, I stormed down the stairs to the kitchen where my mom currently was. I smiled at her. „What's up?" She shot me a smile back and pointed at the table. „I thought you might want some breakfast?" I looked over tot he table: fresh bread, orange juice, coffee and most importantly waffles! Back in Woodhall we never could have afforded this kind of food. Mom worked in a hospital, and it was just enough to pay rent. I had to babysit so we could have a bit more money. But now, money wasn't aproblem anymore, thanks to grandma. „Oh, you know how much I love waffles!" I had an undying love for waffles since I was little and this was just awesome. I sat down and started eating like there wasn't a tomorrow. My mom started laughing at that. „Honey, slow down! Wer'e going to have waffles everyday from now on, you know?" I just stared at her. Waffles everyday? That sounded like the most awesome thing I've ever heared. Maybe this wasn't going tob e as bad as I thought it would be. I ate more than I ever thought I would. When I helped my mom with cleaning the dishes she told me what the plans for today were. „So, Alice, we are going to the shop later, we need some groeceries! And it will help us with orientating ourselves here. Later, we are going to have dinner at your grandmas house. You will be eating there every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening, because I have my nightshift at the hospital. They needed a volunteer and I stepped in. Thanks to your grandma we have enough money but I still want to help people. I want you to eat with your grandma because I don't want you alone in this house, I'm worried about you, you know? And it's great cause you can get to know your grandma better!" I listen to her little monolouge and nod. I don't really want tob e alone in this big house either and I definetley want to get to know grandma better. „When are we leaving for shopping?", I ask. „Oh, in about half an hour or so." I nod again and head upstairs. I quickly pull my phone out oft he backpack lying on the floor.

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