Relationships and other problems

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okay, this is the most cliché thing I've ever written, I'm going to puke. It's sappy and everything, and it has drama. So you'll hopefully like it. Have fun, see ya later :)


-Relationships and other problems-

Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee-. Stupid alarm. On a freaking Saturday. Why? Because Brad told me to meet him at nine a.m. outside. And I didn’t even know why. We spent a lot of time together the whole week. He drove me to grandma’s and ate with us these days and I babysat his sisters, so we ended up talking to eachother quite a lot. Plus, we worked on the project. He didn’t kiss me again, and I was grateful for that. I didn’t want to rush anything like I did with Jonathan. Jonathan... Was I really over him?

I didn’t think so, that queasy feeling in my stomach was still there when I thought about him. I liked Brad a lot, but I still liked Jonathan more, even though he hurt me.  But I didn’t think of him as much as I used to, Brad took my mind off of him. So I didn’t see the green eyes and blonde hair as often as I used to. The green got replaced by chocolste brown and the the blonde with blackish-brown. But when he wasn’t with me, I saw those grass-green eyes staring into mine and hearing his voice say that he loves me. And it hurts. I haven’t seen him in real life for so long, but I still remembered every detail about him. The way he pushed up his glasses when he was reading, they way he stuck out his tounge when he was reading.

He was my first true love and I thought I was his. Tears gathered in my eyes. I missed him so much. But there was no way I’d see him again, he was on the other side of the planet after all. He left me broken in pieces, and the only ones who cared about me at that time were Al and mom.

I quickly wiped away the tears and thought about my last three days with Brad. He treated me nice, except for some of his stupid comments. He made me laugh and happy. I never told him about Jonathan before, and I didn’t know when I should tell him. Because I was sure that brad had fallen for me. That sounded pretty overconfident, but I was right. He held open the door form e and never let me out of sight. And when he thought I wasn’t looking, he stared at me with a loving expression. He always made me compliments, and then made a small insult right afterwards as a joke. When he made the joke, he looked at me worried, worried that I’d take it serious.

I longed to talk to Al face to face, luckily I just had another week of school before we would see eachother again. I was so happy, I finally got to see my best friend again. The calls and text didn’t prevent me from missing her. She had to give me advice on this. I didn’t want to hurt Brad by leading him on, he actually was such a nice guy. I really needed to get my act together. So what to do with Brad? I didn’t know at the moment. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I wasn’t over my exboyfriend, it would crush him.

I decided to think about this later. First, I wanted to know what Brad planned for today. Was this considered a date? I hoped not, or else I was making a huge mistake by meeting Brad. He was my friend for now, even though we kissed twice, or even trice. I liked the kisses, but did that mean that I liked Brad? Probably. But still, with Jonathan it was complicated. I maybe liked both of them more than I should.

Half an hour later I was dressed and had already eaten breakfast. I hurried with both, because I feared that I’d be late when he’d be waiting outside. I checked my watch: 8:55. My timing was perfect. I looked out oft he window and saw Brad standing outside, watching a cat climb on a nearby tree. He was early, as usual. For our meetings fort he chemistry project he was always fifteen minutes early, but for school he was often late. It just proved my point, he definetly fell for me. Maybe my comparison from last week was wrong. If I was red riding hood, he wasn’t the wolf for sure. Maybe my life didn’t resemble an old fairy tale after all.

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