A shirtless Brad (that's the only interesting thing)

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 HEY GUYS! Idk why this is in such freakishly large letters. See you at the bottom.


 -A shirtless Brad (that’s the only interesting thing) -

Pedalling up a hill and through a forest in winter with snow and ice on your way clearly wasn’t a thing I enjoyed or ever would enjoy. It was so cold, I almost froze off my fingers. And on my way to Grandmas mansion, I passed a gasstation on the outskirts of town, right in front oft he forest. A few men with tattoos and motorcycles were standing outside and wolfwhisteled at me when I drove past them, but I chose to ignore them. The whole ride was about twenty minutes long. When I arrived at the huge house, the snow was falling like crazy, and I was sure that I would die of hypothermia. I leaned the bike on the wall of the house, right next to the door. I knocked and waited shivering. Luckily, Earl opened the door pretty soon. I looked at him with a grateful expression. „Thank you. I was sure I would freeze to death out here!“ He looked at me amused. „Welcome, Alice Allison.“

 He took my coat and told me I should go to the living room. I did as he said and was greeted by my grandmother in the livingroom. She was sitting on one of the gigantic couches, reading. When she saw me coming in, she immeadiatley stood up and smiled at me. „Well hello there Alice. I already missed you.“ I smiled back, she was so nice to me! But I guess grandmothers are like this. It was nice finally knowing my grandmother. She gestured me to sit down next to her. „The food will be ready in ten minutes, so I thought we could chat a bit. How’s school going so far?“-„It’s great. I made some friends.“ I smiled at the thought of my new friends, they were awesome. Even though none oft hem was as great as Alexandra. „There’s ehm, Nina Ellis, her boyfriend Ron Harris, Sarah Paige...“ I continued listing the people I met so far and grandma nodded at their last names. It was obvious that she knew every name in town. When I finished she looked deep i thought. „Are you friends with Brad Jackson?“ That question was unexpected. „I’m a good friend of Sophie, we’ve known eachother a really long time.“ That explained it. It was kind of cool that Sophie and grandma were friends. Sophie was such a nice lady and really sweet. And her cupcakes were amazing. I thought about how I should respond to her question. „Well, we’re not really friends but we’re partners for the chemistry project.“

She wanted to say something but got interrupted by Earl. „Ladies, dinner is ready.“ She nodded at him and we walked over tot he diningroom. We sat down, facing eachother. I was just putting the fork of salad in my mouth when grandma started to speak again. „You should really become friends with Brad, Sophie tells me that he has no friends.“ I chewed on the delicious salad while I thought about what she just said. It was true. Brad had no friends. Normally, the badboy was part of the popular group, but Brad never was with them. Sure, all the girls swooned over him, and Brad slept with most of them.  But he shut everyone out and isolated himself. Nina told me that the popular guys, the jocks and the cheerleaders, asked him to hang out with him a couple of times. He never did. But he showed up to every party, but he only hooked up with random girls on those. In conclusion, Brad really had zero friends. Well, at least at our school. Maybe he had friends back in London. But he sat at our table the last two days, so maybe that was a sign that he wanted to make friends. But he only talked to me and Nina, he basically ignored the others. The only time I saw him talking to someone else than us, it was when he told William to step out of his way.

„Hmm, I’ll try talking to him a bit more.“ Well, if he stopped making me uncomfortable. Every time I was around him, I felt scared and small. I remebered why Al called me Red. If I was red riding hood, innocent and small, Bard was the wolf. He was intimidating. I wasn’t sure if he’d ever hurt me or anything. But something about him just screamed Danger! Grandma nodded in content. „He’s a good boy, so polite and nice.“ I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. Towards me, he acted like a cocky badass who thought he could have everything he wanted. I thought about what Honey said. But that just didn’t fit his image. It was like he had two personalities: the badass, his personality in school, and the polite, nice guy that your mum likes. The second one, he displayed in front of his sisters and my mum. „I met his sisters, they are really cute.“-„Yes, they are lovely girls. Maybe  a bit loud, but really cute and nice.“ After that, grandma and I talked about school and other things. I told her about my classes and such. „So, you can choose a foreign language at school! I can’t until next halfterm, but I’m thinking about taking german or french. Most of my friends took french or spanish. But it really surprised me that a small school like this offers foreign languages!“-„Didn’t you know it’s one of the best highschools around?“ Well, I didn’t. After talking with grandma for a while, I looked at my watch and realised it was kind of late. „I need to go! I have to get up early tomorrow!“

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