The badboy is my lab partner

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Well, hello there, pretty people. how's it going? Soooo I finallly wrote the new chapter :D didn't have much time because of my bday and tests -.- Anywhooooo here's the new chappie :D


-The badboy is my labpartner -

I woke up right before my alarm clock went off. I couldn’t bear to hear the annoying ringing sound right now, so I was lucky. I turned it off and got out of bed. I groaned internally because I’ve just remembered that today was the first day of school. Ugh. First thing I thought about what to wear on the first day of school. I don’t want to make a really big impression, I wanted to make a good impression and hoped that the people would ignore me. I was really afraid of being bullied, it’s my biggest phobia. I picked grey skinny jeans, a simple white shirt and a soft, oversized, dark blue sweater. I went downstairs, backpack slung over my shoulder. Mom was already awake and was making pancakes in the kitchen. The smell was incredible, her pancakes were the best. She smiled at me, looking genuinly happy. And because she was happy I was too. She started talking to me, about how wonderful it was that I was going to a new school and how fast I’d make new friends. I just smiled weakly at that and continued eating the pancakes. I really wasn’t a girl to make friends. And besides I only had one friend in my sorry life so far. I was a bit of a loser. I took a quick glance at my wristwatch. „Mom, I have to go! I’ll take the car, is that correct? You only have nightshifts at the hospital, right?“ She nodded. I gave her a quick hug. „Bye mom.“ – „Bye sweetie!“

I put on my red jacket and went outside. I groaned; it was snowing again. Yucky white, cold stuff covered the garden. I made my way tot he car, that we luckyly parked beneath a tree, so there was a minimum of snow on it. I got in and started the engine. The motor wasn’t frozen, so I was able to drive off pretty quickly. I found the school fast. It was an ugly building, orange and blue, it looked like a manufacture. I grimaced and parked the car in the almost empty parking lot. I wasn’t way too early so I was a bit confused that almost zero cars were here. Back in Woodhall, there wouldn’t be an empty space in the parking lot at this time. But then I mentally slapped myself. Of course there weren’t any cars here, the school was in walking distance to most houses in the village. When I thought about it, I could’ve walked too. I got out and walked towards the school. I took a look at my schedule: first lesson was History in room 16. But first i had to go tot he headmasters office. I found it after a short time; the school was tiny. I got into the headmasters office and saw HIM. Brad from the shop. He was walking out oft he office with an arrogant smile on his face. I pressed myself against the wall, hoping that he didn’t notice me. I was lucky, he walked past me without looking at me. I let out a breath that I’ve held in and finally walked into the office. The headmaster greeted me friendly, he was a man about fifty years of age, grey hair and glasses. He intoduced himself as Mr. Wiehl and he seemed kinda strict. He gave me my lockerkey (there weren’t combinations but keys) and said he hoped that i’d like it here. I acted rather shy.

 After his welcomespeech I went to my Historylesson. The teacher barely looked up from his laptop as I said: „Ehm, I’m the new student, Alice Allison.“-„Ah yes, please intoduce yourself tot he class when the lesson starts. And sit besides Nina.“ I paled. I hoped that i wouldn’t have to introduce myself tot he class. I looked the way the teacher, Mr. Ford, was pointing at. My seat was besides a really tall girl with glasses and shoulderlong brown hair. She looked a bit nerdy and rather friendly. Well, sitting besides her was great. She didn’t seem like one of those bitchy cheerleadergirlies. She smiled at me warmly. I put down my stuff on my desk and she looked at me courious. „So, you’re the new girl, right? I’m Nina. Literally everyone is talking about you! We hardly get any new students!“ I was right with the conclusion that I was in todays schoolgossip. Why me? Nina was friendly and she wasn’t shy, unlike me. „I’m Alice, but please don’t call me Al. Yep, I’m the new girl and I hate it. I mean, being new not the school or something...“ She laughed. „Hey, you seem okay. Everyone was speculating how you would be like. Everyone thinks that you are kind of a spoilt, bratty and overconfident girl, because you are Eleanor Allisons granddaughter.“ I grimaced at that. That was stupid. Why would people think of me as a spoiled brat wasn’t really getting to my head. I mean, I was a normal girl, not a lot of money till my millionaire grandmother came along.

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