Grandma is a rich lady!

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Soooooo hello! I'm back! *Partymusic starts playing* Here's the second chapter :)


-Grandma is a rich lady...-

The door opened and an older looking man stepped out. He was wearing a suit and tie. He bowed down. „Welcome to Allinson Hall. Follow me please, Miss Alice and Miss Denise. Miss Eleanor is waiting for you. I’m Butler Earl by the way.“  My grandmother had a butler?! I was surprised. I knew that she was rich but I never thought that she’d be THAT rich. We followed butler Earl down a long, dimly lit corridor. The walls were a dark blue color and there were some pretty old looking lamps hung up at the walls. After a short while we reached a wide, open room. There were various sofas scattered across the room, it clearly was the living room. I quickly spotted an old lady sitting in one oft he huge white sofas. She looked like she was about sixty years old, with white hair and her simple dark blue dress. As we stepped closer towards her I noticed her eyes. They were the same color as mine and moms: A deep brown, almost black with hints of green. They sparkeld like some sort of jewel. Because oft hem she looked younger than she actually was. When she saw us, she got up. She looked at my mother like she couldn’t believe it was her. Tears started to fill her eyes. I looked at mom; she just stood there frozen, looking at her mother. „D-Denise? Is-is that you? Oh darling, I’ve missed you so much.“, grandma whispered, her voice sounded like it could break any second. „Mother.“, my mom whispered as well. Suddenly, the frozen women moved and started hugging eachother. Botho f them were crying and they whispered stuff into the their ears. After a while they both let go. Grandma looked at Mom with a smile on her face. „You haven’t changed a bit in the last twenty years. You still look like the girl who stormed out of her home that summernight. I’m so sorry, Denise.“ She almost started crying again as she was speaking. My mom chuckled. „You haven’t changed a bit either, mother. Except your haircolor. Still a bit overprotective. But you still are the same mother I used to know.“ They just looked at eachother again.  But then, grandmother turned to me. She smiled at me warmly. „You must be Alice. You look just like my daughter... I’m so glad I finally get to meet you, it really means a lot to me, after all you are my only grandchild.“ I looked at her with big eyes. People usually told me I looked nothing like my mom except form y eyes. Everybody said that I looked like my dad. My mom had light blonde hair while I had a darker shade of brown. She was a rather tall woman while I was short. And my face was a different shape. How did my grandmother see her own daughter in me? She continued to smile at me. „I can see it in your eyes. From the inside, you look exactly like your mother. And the way you crinkle you nose when you are confused, and how you don’t get obvious things.“ She smiled again. Suddenly, she pulled me into a hug. I was surprised, but I hugged her back. She smelled like some kind of expensive perfume and roses.  We stayed in a hug for a while before she let go. Tears sparkled in her eyes. „I’m looking forward to getting to know you better, Alice. I hope you feel the same way.“ At first I was surprised. She looked forward to getting to know me? Nobody ever said that to me. Well, today seemed to have loads of first times in it. First Brad calling me hot and now grandma wanting to get to know me better. But then I smiled at her as well. „I look forward to getting to know you as well.“ I really was. She seemed like a very nice person and I knew that I’d like her. She had this vibe saying I may be old and nice but I can be strong. She seemed really interesting and I wanted to know about her past. Because besides her strong, happy aura there was a hint of sadness you could see in her eyes. We just stood there for a minute, looking at eachother. That may sound a bit weird, but it really wasn’t. When you meet somebody of your family that you have never seen before and they look so much like family it’s normal to do that. After a while, Butler Earl stepped into the room. „Ladies, Dinner is ready. Would you please follow me?“ Grandma smiled at us: „Well, are you hungry? My cook prepared a lot of food for tonight, including a big dessert.“ I was happy to her that, I absoluetly loved dessert! And a lot of food sounded good too, I haven’t had lunch after all. We followed Earl through another long corridor into another big room. But instead of sofas, there was a huge table in the middle of the room.  Grandma gestured us to sit down besides her. We sat down at the huge mahagony table. Butler Earl disappeared behind a small door in the back of the room. I shot grandma a questioning look. „That’s the kitchendoor.“ I nodded in understandment. Grandma looked at me with a courious look. I smiled at her shyly. „Ehm, so, Alice, you are seventeen, right?“ As I nodded, she continued with her questions. „So, you’ll go to Riverhill Highschool from tomorrow on, right?“-„Yes, but I hate being the new kid at school. It’s really annoying  tob e honest. I hate how I get loads of attention. I really prefer being left alone.“ I was honest to her. I really was afraid that people would bully me because I was the new kid. „What are your favorite subjects?“-„I love Biology and Chemistry, but my best subject is English. I love writing essays and I really want to write a book sometime. Some cheesy romancenovel like Twilight so I can make a lot of money would be nice... No, I’d rather write some sort of a fantasy novel.“ I blushed, I never really told anyone besides mom and Al that I wanted to be an author. But it was true, it was my big dream form y future. Grandma suddenly laughed. „You remind me not only of Denise, but of my son as well. Both of you with a big dream... Even though he wanted to be an artist with loads of different paintings... But I hope you can reach your dream, unlike my son...“, she sighed. It was the first time I’ve ever heared someone talk about Michael, mom never really mentioned him. We were silent for a bit but grandma started with her questions once again. „Who’s your best friend?“ I laughed: „A girl named Alexandra. Everybody calls her Al. She’s a bit older than me and we went tot he same school in Woodhall. She’s pretty different from other girls; she has got short hair, tattoos and piercings.  But she is really pretty! She has a bit of a bad girl attidude, but she’s one oft he nicest girls I’ve ever met. But sometimes she is a really girly girl, especially in her taste of music. She loves One Direction and Justin Bieber! When you see her you’d never think that she’d bei nto that kind of music, but she loves them!“ It was true and it was really weird that a rock n’roll/punk looking girl would like One Direction or Justin Bieber. But me and my mom were the only people in the world who knew that and she threatend to kil us if we’d ever tell anybody. My mom started laughing too. „Oh mother, you’ll meet her soon, she’ll be staying with us over winterbreak! You’ll love her too, to us she’s family. She’s like a sister to Alice and like a daughter to me. She’s unique, just like Alice. They have such a great friendship; I sometimes wish that I had such a strong friendship like these two have.“ I smiled at moms words, I already knew that Al was like a daughter to her; she really loved her. But Al really loved mom too, she was like the mother she wanted so desperatly. Grandma started speaking again: „I really look forward to meeting this young lady as well! From what you are telling me she seemes really nice. How long will she stay with you?“-„Well, it depends... I found out that winterbreak in Riverhill only lasts one week, while winterbreak in Woodhall lasts two.. I guess that she will stay two weeks and go two school with Alice for one week. But I’m not sure.“ Now that mom reminded me, I groan internally. We only had one week of winterbreak here in Riverhill! That was actually quite annoying. I always enjoyed holidays, it was the time I didn’t have to see any idiots from school.  It was the time Al and me would go sledding or something and have movienights. It was one of my most favorite times of the year. Not to mention that it was christmas during winterbreak!  That reminded me, I still had to find a gift for mom... Grandma nodded in response to what mom said. She asked me a few more random questions, such as what my favorite food was, my favorite color and more. Pretty basic and simple stuff you just want to know of a person you want to get to know better. After a few more of these questions Butler Earl returned. „Miss Eleanor, dinner is ready. The waiter will be here in just a second.“ Grandma nodded in response. Earl bowed and returned to the kitchen. I took a sip of my water. Grandma apparently ran out of questions because she was silent. A bit later a man with some plates with food on them.  He put one oft he plates down, right in front of me. It was a green salad with italian dressing. It looked quite simple, but when I tasted it, it was the best salad I’ve ever had. The sauce wasn’t some cheap sauce you could buy in every supermarket out there and the salad was fresh, like it was harvested right before dinner. „Wow, that salad tastes amazing!“, I said with awe.  Grandma smiled. „Thank you. It was harvested this morning and the dressing was made with the finest olive oil. My chef is Italian, that’s why we are having italian food today.“ That was amazing. She had an Italian chef? I couldn’t wait fort he main course, I always loved Italian food. Right after we finished the salad, the waiter returned and took our plates with him. Grandma, mom and me just sat there for a while, not saying anything.  It wasn’t an awkward silence, we just didn’t want to say anything. I didn’t know what I should say because I didn’t really knew grandma and I just didn’t know how to talk to her. After five more minutes the man returned with different plates. I looked down on the plate and saw the most incredible sight ever. It was homemade pasta with the best pesto I’ve ever seen. It wasn’t a brownish green you’d see in the glasses in the supermarket, it was a fresh green like soft grass. (Weird  comparison, I know.) There also was some parmesancheese in a bowl.  I carefully poured some oft he cheese over my pasta. Normally I took a lot of cheese, but I decided that I should take a bit less today, because it probably was a really expensive cheese and I didn’t want to take all oft he cheese because then there wouldn’t be any cheese left for grandma and mom... I had some weird thoughts sometimes and I spaced out. That just happened and I sat her, staring at the wall. „Alice? Alice? Why aren’t you eating?“, my mom frowned. I blushed. „Sorry, I was thinking...“ Mom smiled. It happened quite often that I just spaced out and stuff. But Grandma had a courious look on her face. „What were you thinking about?“-„Hmmm? Oh, nothing. I just thought about the food!“ She didn’t look like she believed me. „But you haven’t eaten a bit yet! Your pasta are getting cold.“ Well, she was right. I took my fork and knive and started eating. It was heavenly. It really was the best pasta I’ve ever had. But that wasn’t a surprise, the only pasta I had before was cheap pasta from a box, not handmade. The cheese was awesome, too. I took a lot of cheese in the end.  After we finished our pasta the waiter came once again and took our plates with him tot he kitchen. „Those pasta were the best I’ve ever had in my entire life! I’m soooooo full.“ Grandma smiled at that. „But Alice, there will be dessert.“ My ears perked up. Dessert? I loved anything sweet and sugary, and I always had place for dessert. Mom noticed my facial expression and laughed. „Oh Alice, always wanting more sweets! I guess you have that from me: I always wanted more and more sweets as a child.“ –„But mom, I’m not a child, I’m a teenager!“ I saw that grandma was smiling at us, I guess she was happy that there was somebody with her now.She looked at me once again. „So, what were you thinking about before?“ Yep, she didn’t believe me that I was thinking about the amazing food. I took a sip of water, trying to avoid the question.  „Were you thinking about your boyfriend?“ I almost spat out my water. „Grandma! I don’t have a boyfriend! How would you think I have one?“ She smiled (She ALWAYS smiled) at me apologetically. „I’m sorry. You just are a pretty girl and I thought you’d have a boyfriend! But you surely have some admireres, right?“ She was so sweet, she thought I was pretty and that I’d have a boyfriend! Nobody ever was so nice to me, I almost got teary eyes. I answered her: „Not any admireres that I know of.“ It was true. No boy ever would be interested in a shy, small and socially awkward girl like me. „But you had a boyfriend before, right?“ This woman. She wanted to know everything! But I understood her. „Nothing serious....“ I replied. I had a boyfriend before, a cute, nerdy guy. We dated for a year and he was besides Al and Mom the only person who cared about me. I met him when I was fifteen and we knew eachother for a month before we started dating. His name was Johnathan and he acted really caring and sweet towards me. But one day I found out something and that was the end of our relationship. I really hated thinking or talking about him, and Mom and Al knew that. I wasn’t ready to tell anyone else besides them about me and him. Grandma probably sensed that I didn’t want to talk about this and stopped with her questions. At that moment, Earl came back with some plates. I surprised me that it wasn’t the waiter who carried them. He put them down in front of us. „I hope you enjoy dessert, Ladies.“ He walked back into the kitchen. I looked at the dessert: A small fruitsalad, chocolate mousse and some sort of cupcake. It was (of course) delicious. The fruitsalad had fruits in it I’ve never tasted before and the mousse was light and chocolaty (that isn’t a real word, is it?). But the best thing was the cupcake: It was chocolate with a hint of s fruit that I didn’t know, but it was soooooo good. I finished in a second because it was so good. I sat back, watching Mom and Granma talk to eachother. They really seemed like they missed eachother all these years. I saw how much they loved eachother, why did Mom even run away from home? I realized I spaced out again, cause both older women were looking at me. „What?“-„ We were discussing when you would go to your grandma the day after tomorrow. By the way, you’ll have to take the bike because i need the car to go tot he hospital. So, I was thinking that you’ll be here at six o’clock?“ I nodded, that was fine. I loved riding my bike and I saw a bikingpath right next to the street: it would be pretty easy to get here by bike. Six was fine to, I had time to finish homework before going to Grandma. „Oh my! Look at the time!“, Mom exclaimed. It already was ten and we had to get home. Plus, school started at seven and I had to get up at six thirty. For some people (Al), ten isn’t late, but for me it was. I needed at least eight hoursof sleep or I’d be a zombie. We got up and walked back to the front door. We said goodbye and hugged eachother before Mom and me left. I looked back to see Grandma waving at us, it made me smile. I really was looking forward on seeing her tomorrow again. We got into the car and drove off. As I looked over to Mom I noticed the small smile on her face. She really looked happy. We got home pretty fast and I said good night to my mother. As I was in my room, I looked at my phone.

You have one new message.

AlQueen: Hey, I know u probably aren’t awake anymore :P But I wanted to say good night and wish you good luck for tomorrow babes ;) Hahahaha hope you make new friends (But don’t forget meee!). well my dear little red, nightie Xxxxxxx

I smiled. It was so cute, so unlike her. But I guessed that she really missed me a lot. I did miss her too. But I probably wouldn’t be able to make new friends here, she didn’t have to worry. I put on my pajamas and jumped into my bed. I rememberd my Mom smiling in the car. She really seemed to be happier than in Woodhall. I guessed there was something good in living in  Riverhill. I really hoped that Mom would have a better life here. I just wanted the best for her, she was so important to me. But I still dreaded tomorrow, I had to go to a new school and meet that jerk from this morning again... But if it made Mom happy I’d try to live here in Riverhill. With these thoughts I fell asleep.

_______________________________________________________________________________ Soooooo, did you like iiiiit??? Haha :) Aaaaaaah i'm so excited cause I'm going to London tomorrow! :DDDDD I'm gonna look for 1D there ;) SOOOO I don't know when I wil update next because school and my bday are coming up.... I've got a test on my bday, I'm soooooo lucky -.- Well: Fan, Vote, Comment my babies :P see you in chapter threeeeeeee

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