Snow like sugar

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Wueee lazy fuck joy is baaack from the dead! Enjoy this fluff fluffy fluff thingy I wrote.


Snow like sugar

„I... I made my decision.“

He looked at me expectantly as I gulped down that weird taste in my mouth. Excitement? I didn’t know.

„Can I talk to you alone? Just for a little bit?“ I asked him almost desperatly and gestured to the door that led outside. He was a bit surprised, but then nodded, a gorgeous smile slowly spreading on his handsome face.

We walked into the hallway and then outside, snow falling on our heads. I noticed the smirk Al gave me as we walked outside. I noticed the brief glance of my mother. I noticed the three little girls starting to giggle as we walked away. I noticed Sophie’s smile as we walked out. They knew it. They just knew it.

I looked at Brad, right into his chocolatey eyes. He still wore that hopefull expression, and looked completley different from when I first seen him. He looked older then, like something was weighing him down. Now he looked younger, happier. It was nice to see him that way.

„You wanted to tell me something?“, he asked softly.

I nodded, looking down. I just couldn’t tell him. I knew he wouldn’t freak and yell how happy he was when I’d tell him. So I looked up again.

„I decided... that I... really really like you. Enough to try.“ I said, my voice breaking.

I wanted this, this relationship with Brad. I wanted to forget Jonathan. But Brad wasn’t my rebound or something. No, if Jonathan came back and said he wanted me back and said how sorry he was, I would laugh in his face and kiss Brad right before his eyes.

Brad had an absoluetly victorious look in his eyes, as if he won a great prize, something he always wanted. I felt so happy, knowing he looked at me like a treasure.

 And then, I kissed him. Snow, like sugar, falling around us, coating the world in a beautiful white, covering up all the imperfections. Just like sugar, our kiss was sweet and crystalclear to me in every way. I could feel all the emotions he was feeling and it meant the world to me. Everything was perfect in this moment, even the cold didn’t disturb us.

As we walked back in, hand in hand I might add, Al gave me a smile. It meant: I’m so happy for you! The girls were whispering to eachother and giggling sometimes. Mom and Sophie looked at us like they knew exactly that we just shared a kiss in the snow. And Grandma winked at me.

Soon after that, it was time to eat. I sat next to Brad, and he tried to hold my hand the entire time. But we had to eat, so it wasn’t really possible.

The evening continued nicely, everyone felt like family and the house was cozy and warm.

But soon it was time to go home. I hugged Sophie, the girls and grandma. Al and Mom did the same, then they got into the car. I stayed outside, looking at Brad. Looking at my boyfriend.

He smiled an awkward smile, then glanced at the car my mom and Al were sat in. I knew what he was thinking and smiled at him.

„Come on, kiss me you idiot.“

And he did. It felt like we were the only people on the planet. Nobody was watching us, it felt like. Andi t was perfect. But of course weh ad to say goodbye, weh ad to go home. But we would see eachother the next day, we promised.

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