A lot of yelling at a certain badboy

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Hi babes! I missed you :* And Brad and Alice missed you too :) So, let's continue our little story, shall we? I hope y'all like this chapter, it's awfully sweet and I'm choking because of it. Never thought I could write something like this... So, let's find out what happens! THE BEGINNING IS FLUFF. IT'S SO OVERLY CUTE THAT I WANNA PUKE, OK?


 -A lot of yelling at a certain badboy-

„Why did you almost kiss me that day?“ He looked at me with, his eyes displaying sadness and something else. An emotion I couldn’t read.  „I... I don’t know.“ He whispered, almost inaudible.

His dark eyes were looking into mine, as if he searched for an answer in them.  His gaze made me unconfortable, causing me to shift in my seat. „What-What do you mean with that? You should know why you did it!“ I faked a confident attitude, but in reality I was scared and confused.

Why did he say that he didn’t know? People know why they did certain actions and kissing was one of them. You couldn’t just walk around and mess with peoples feelings by almost kissing them. Brad was so confusing. Being all cocky and badassy one second and the other he was sad and vulnerable.

His eyes were still fixated on mine but I couldn’t take it anymore. I lowered my head, looking at my shoes. I didn’t want to look up, didn’t want to meet his eyes full of sadness. The way he looked at me, almost desperate, he wanted to tell me something, but he couldn’t. He looked different then usual, not the badboy attitude, but neither the nice guy. He looked sad and lonely, and I felt the sudden need to comfort him. I looked back up again and realized that he was looking down now. He looked like he gave up hope. I leaned forward a bit and lay a hand on his shoulder.

„Brad?“ He looked back up.

His eyes were like pools of water and I was drowning in them. The sadness he radiated was unbearable, it was suffocating. I was breathless, I’ve never seen something that beautiful but sad at the same time.

He opened his mouth, but there was no sound coming out. We were just staring at eachother, both of us captivated by the other person. He reached forward to brush a strand of hair out of my face. And then, his hand rested on my shoulder as well. He leaned in, and I thought that he was trying to kiss me again, but he just pulled me closer, so we were hugging.

He was clinging to me as if his life depended on it, he needed comfort and was trying to put all his emotions in to this simple hug. I hugged him back, trying to comfort , to tell him everything was okay.

„Alice, I... I have to go.“ He said, pulling away from our sweet embrace. I reluctantly pulled away from his warm body and watched him open the car door. He walked around the car, getting his bag out of the trunk. He turned back towards me and gave me a small wave before he started walking towards his house. I watched him walking, his shoulders slumped and head hanging. He looked so pitiful. But why? Why did he have this sad aura around himself and why did he always conceal it? I was betting that nobody of our school ever saw him like that. His figure was almost at the front entrance when I got out of the car.


He looked back and saw me running towards him. When I reached him, I stood in front of him uncertain. Then, I wrapped my arms around him, so we were hugging once again. He seemed surprised by my sudden outburst of affection towards him, but he hugged me back.

We stayed like this for a while in the cold winterair. I wanted to soothe him, take away whatever pain he felt. This time, it was me who pulled away. I looked him in the eyes uncertainly before I placed my lips on his cheek. His skin was soft and rough at the same time and it smelled like cigaretts and wood.

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