Chapter Fourteen

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[A/N: Hi guys! Here is chapter 14. I probably don't need to tell you that but anyway!.....PB what do you think at the moment? It will get more action-y I guess later on. Thank-you all so much for reading Iris and please let me know what you think! I love hearing from anyone! ^_^ Second State of Origin on Wednesday....Go Queensland! Blues are going down....again ;)]

Thursday 29th May (Day 12)

7:00am – Picked up

9:00am - Breakfast

11:30am – Task 11

2:00pm – Practice

6:00pm – Dinner

9:00pm – Film time (Titanic)

We didn’t have to wait too long for James and other members of staff to come and find us. I couldn’t believe that 20 girls had decided to go home. We had to be strong not fall apart. I had to stay true to the promise I made with Alison. After we made it back to the mansion we were given a large breakfast. I think it was well deserved.

“Alison, you wanna come sit with us?” I asked Alison as she looked at an empty table. Alison looked at me curiously for a second. She looked to Raven and Sabrina who were giving me puzzled expressions. Alison shrugged and sat down beside me.


“No problems, so what are you guys going to have for breakfast?” I asked looking from Raven to Sabrina. I prayed that they wouldn’t disown me for befriending Alison or for asking her to join us for breakfast.

“Anything, that food we had yesterday sucked!” Sabrina laughed. I shook my head and tried not to laugh.

“Well I heard they are serving anything we wish for keeping us in the wilderness.” Raven replied only facing Sabrina. I was guessing that Raven didn’t like this set-up. From what I heard in the past, it seemed that Alison had bullied Raven at school. I was going to have to do something about that. The four of us had to stick together to get through this is. This competition, I just couldn’t think of an adjective to describe it.

“Does anyone know the task today?” I asked, trying to include everyone in the conversation as it seemed that Raven was not going to be helpful.

“Something to do with a quiz I think…as in a quiz on Blade.” Alison joined in.

“A quiz on Blade? We’re not stalkers…how does that work?” Raven asked, generally interested in the newest task. She slowly turned to face Alison and stared at her waiting for an answer.

“I think it’s to prove how much you know about him, if you have listened and so on. I don’t really think I will be any good at it though.” Alison blushed.

“Why? Didn’t you stalk the guy here?” Raven questioned.

“Raven.” I whispered sternly under my breath. This was not going to well.

“Its ok, I mean she’s right. I did basically follow Blade here but that’s completely changed now. Blade and I are just friends.” Alison nodded slowly thinking over everything in her head.

“Oh really?” Raven asked with an eyebrow raised. Raven! God! This was not how we were going to get on if Raven continued to basically bite at Alison’s past. Alison remained quite and nodded.

“What are you going to have for breakfast Iris?” Sabrina asked, I’m guessing that she felt the air thickening with tension too. I thought to myself for a second, I was allowed to pick anything I had to think things over carefully.

“I’m not sure yet, what about you Sabrina?” I asked shifting the conversation from the quiz to my little friend.

“Waffles with golden syrup!” Sabrina giggled in excitement. “Alison what about you?”

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