Chapter Fifteen

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[A/N: Hello again! Hope you are all well. Thank-you for reading Iris it really does mean the world to me. Have a look at some of my other stories if you have a spare minute but no pressure! Second state of Origin tonight! Goooooo QLD! We are heading towards the back end of Iris, I thought I should let you know. Have a great day guys!]

We just stood in silence for a while, both of us not knowing what the other was thinking. I shifted under Blade’s never-ending gaze.

“Blade?” I said his name with such uncertainty in my voice, how pathetic I sounded.

“Iris, why do you want to go?” Blade asked finally breaking eye contact with me and looking down.

“It’s easier and safer that way.”

“But why now?”

“Blade, it just has to be this way. This can’t go on.” Blade looked confused as he once again glanced up to me. What was I going to do? I couldn’t tell Blade what was going on. The whole Jamie thing was to make sure Blade didn’t know.

“Iris, I don’t understand.” Blade sighed, his grip on the quiz in his hands tightened.

“I-I can’t explain…” I mumbled.

“Explain this then.” Blade nearly snapped. He handed me the piece of paper that he was holding on to. I scanned over the page. It was mine?! I almost gasped, it was my last question.

“I can’t explain, didn’t you even read it?” I snapped back. Damn it, I didn’t want to get into an argument.

“Oh course I read it! What do you think I’ve been doing for the last half an hour?” Blade growled.

“Don’t yell at me…you’ve been looking at it for half an hour?” I said in my normal voice. I began to calm down. Blade blushed lightly; he was totally adorable when he did that. “Damn it! Stop being cute.” I sighed. Blade stared at me blankly for a moment. “Oh my god, I just said that out loud didn’t I?” I gasped and covered my mouth before I could say anything else. A smirk slowly curved Blade’s lips.

“You think I’m cute huh?”

“N-no I-I d-don’t.” I stuttered. Damn this guy!

“Come on Iris, you know I’m right, you said it yourself.” Blade continued with that smug smirk of his as he stepped towards me. My voice lodged in my throat. Now was not the time to be caught up in his charm Iris! Why did Blade have this affect on me? He was now only centimetres away from me. His breath made my cheeks tingle and memories of our first real kiss flooded into my head. Stop it Iris, you were going to leave. You had to leave. It was the best thing to do, it was better for Blade, his family, your friends, your family but you? I switched off that voice in my head and tried to focus on the boy standing in front of me.

“Blade…” The rest of my sentenced died on my lips. I had to get through this. I had to leave. It was the way things had to go.

“Iris, stay.” Blade whispered. I felt my heartbeat thumping in my ears. I couldn’t hear anything else.

“I-I…” I began.

“Please.” Blade whispered gently as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and continued to lightly caress my cheek with his finger. Damn it. I opened my mouth again to try and get the words out but nothing came. I slowly looked from Blade to his parents and back again. Blade followed my lead and did the same. He seemed a little uncertain about something. Mr and Mrs Deans were busy looking through quizzes to notice us it seemed. I lightly bit my lower lip, what was I going to do? “Please stay…with me.” Blade whispered. Then something that I definitely wasn’t expecting happened. Blade leaned forward and kissed me. It wasn’t a passionate kiss like our real first one. This kiss was sweet and almost sad. Could a kiss have emotion? Without my control my eyes fluttered shut and I kissed him back. A single tear rolled down my cheek. Why was I doing? I couldn’t be kissing Blade and certainly not in front of his parents! Blade pulled away first, my head was thankful for that but my heart was screaming for more.

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