Ch. 9

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Maddie's POV

Walking into his apartment, a part of me felt guilty, a different part felt like this was the right thing to do, but everything else is jumbled. To be honest it was a nice place, but I can't get too comfy. This plan is too packaged up. Matt doesn't even have a clue and he is gonna be devastated. But, it's for the best.

"Nice place," I say putting on a smile.
"Thanks, it wasn't to hard to find actually. I have a spare bedroom and you can stay in there," he says.
"Cool," I say pursing my lips. I sit down on the couch and he sits next to me.
"So, how's everything been," he asks.
"Besides the fact I was in a coma, fine," I say.

"You know what I mean," he says giving me a look. I take a breathe.
"I mean, my fame was rising. The opportunities were there. After the Ellen show, it all fell apart. I just wish the pressure didn't put me on the spot. But, everything happens for a reason, so........nothing I could do," I say.

"Look, I'm sorry I sent those fans. It was foolish and I didn't think of the consequences. It was foolish and I was thinking of me and not our bond. But I just have one question, why?" He asks.
"Why what?" I ask.
"Why did you get so mad when the 'incident' happened?" He says in the nicest way possible.

"An honest answer?" i ask. he nods slowly taking in a breathe. It was more of a sad sigh than a breath.
"I'm gonna back track a bit. When I was in the foster home, I was always different from everyone else. All the other kids would be in the main living room having a good ole' time, I on the other hand would move all the beds to the side and dance to the music that you could hear through the window since it was always open.

The man down below would have a saxophone and play it all day.

Slowly fades into a flashback as Maddie describes*

I sit alone in the bed room reading a book about a dancer. I open the window since it was getting hot in here. Down below a man was playing a saxophone. The music was quite soothing, almost dance related. I move all the beds quietly to the side I start to improv doing turns, jumps, and different tricks.

End of Flashback*

"Everyday i would dance to his music he played. His music was beautiful, it was creative, edgy, but different in a good way. One day i went down to see him.

Fades into a flashback*

I sneak out the back door to hear the man playing the music. He was in his 60's. Brown eyes, grayish hair, he was African American, and amazing at what he did.
"Your really good," I say sitting down on the ground next to his chair.
"Thank you, but nobody really ever listens to my music," he asks.

"I can hear it through the window up there. Believe me I do, it's really good. Plus, I dance to it all the time," I say.
"What's your name?" He asks.
"Maddie, what's yours," I say.
"Howard Bartello," he says. He puts his hand out to shake and I gladly accept, I smile. He starts to play music.

I stand up and start to dance, people start to gather around as they see him play. He finishes the song and people clap loudly, they add money to his hat.
"Do you always collect this much money," I ask. He was lucky.
"I have way more money that I need. But, here, you can have it. A talented young child like you should have more than what you have now," he says.

He hands me all the money. It counted up to $30 exact.
"Have a good day kiddo," he says gathering his things. I look up at him.
"Howard your hat," I say as I hand it to him. He takes it, puts it on my heads, and gives me a hug.
"You keep it," he says, then walks away.

End of flashback*

"Everyday I would go to see him. But, one day he wasn't there. Someone said he got an amazing opportunity. I don't know what, but I still remember him," I say as I hold the hat in my hand.
"What was his name?" He asks.
"Howard Bartello," I say. His eyes widen.

"Maddie, he is a famous musician. He has played instruments for some of the most famous singers. And you danced for him?" He asks.
"I danced to his music in the street, a long time ago, I wish I could see him again," I say truthfully.

"Maybe someday, anyways, tomorrow night I am having a dinner for you at a function hall, your friends are invited, the guys are invited. It's mostly family and friends. I can take you to buy something tomorrow morning," he suggests. I smile and nod. This gives me a lot of thinking to do.

"You've had a long day, you should get some rest," he says giving me a hug and kiss on the forehead. I didn't realize we have been talking for hours. Changing, washing, and preparing for bed I get under the covers.
"Goodnight," I say.
"Night," he says shutting the light off and closing the door. I remember the first day he did that.

This gives me a lot of thinking to do. Is this plan really worth it? Is it worth breaking his heart.......again?

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