- chapter 2 - The wonderland -

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As I sit on my bed, I watched the leaves flow by and the clouds ever so slowly float by, I wonder where the clouds go, and what beautfiul new place they'll find, as I stare at them passing by, I drift off into a daydream. 

I daydream about appearing on a beach laying in the sand on my back, I get up, to find myself on a desert island in the middle of no where. No civilization, just me the sand, and a couple of palm trees. After awhile of thinking where I am, and if there is any grass on this island I start walking, and I realise when ever my feet touch the warm soft sand flowers grow and I follow the palm trees, touching them as they transform into my dreams. I think to myself, this is my dream land, where everything comes true, I can do what I want when I want, with no one to stop me. I can dream of anything and it will come true. I want to stay here forever. 

After awhile of making my dreams come true it starts getting dark, but the sun is still out and there isn't a cloud to see in sight. Suddenly I trip over a tree trunk and when I get up its like a forest, there isn't one bit of sand in sight. As I stumble through the bushes and trees I suddenly stop in my tracks, to be looking at probally the biggest tree i've seen, it looks never ending. I see if there is anyway around the tree, but the passage is blocked by thorns and nettles, so I decide to slump down by the tree. 

As I sit by the tree the leaves on the tree blow in the wind, and a couple fall off and gently float down to the ground. Butterflies are flying around, landing on flower to flower. The buzzing of bees around my ears, the wind whistling through the loops and bends of the tree branches. I get a urge, and I hold out my hand, and a small butterfly flutters down and lands on my finger and flaps it wings looking at the other butterflies having fun with each other, it decides to join them and flutters off and away, eventually all the butterflys are gone. And then the bees run out of flowers to pollenate from and they buzz off leaving me with the whistling wind and blowling leaves, but soon enough the wind stops, and the leaves stop blowing.

I was looking around when I spotted a flower, it was very small but it was different from the others, it somehow stood out with its distinct bright blue colour and dark blue blotches on some petals. I decide to reach out for the flower, but it keeps moving away from me no matter how much I try and eventually I give up. So I decide to watch it, eventually it starts slowly moving closer to me and I put my hand onto the floor, and the flower moves even more close, and then stops. I slowly rise my hand and touch the bright blue petal and the petals move out from the center of the flower and start turning into what it looks like, a shape of a pair of wings, and eventually a small blue body.

I stare at the little figure, as it strecthes its wings and it realizes that i'm there and lands on my finger, I have a much more closer look and its body is bright blue, and its wings are bright blue with darker blue blotches. And what looks like a little tiny pink dress. It flys off my fingers and up to my face. I look at what I assume a pixie, right infront of my face, with it's little blue eyes staring at my dark green eyes. It's hand reaches out and...

I suddenly wake up in my bedroom again, looking out the window and I turn to the door to see my mum standing there, with a very disapointed face. 

"You've been lying there not responding to anything I say, for atleast 3 hours, what were you doing??" My mum snaps at me, I stare at her, not speaking

"Let me guess daydreaming again? I'm telling you I will take you to the doctors about this, it's getting out of hand." She snaps at me again, and all I can do is nod.

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