- Chapter 14 - Pain -

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So, we had the plan sorted. When we get home, Dad tells us to go to bed, it's only 9, he says we have school tomorrow, there is now way that i'm going back to school. i'll just bunk it off. I just sit on my bed because I cant get to sleep.

I get hungry and I go down stairs, my Dad has fallen asleep on the couch, and my brother is no where to be seen. So I go into the fridge, when I hear a noise coming from the living room, I creep into the living room, and my brother is standing over my Dad. 

I watch from the door, and my brother says some stuff, which I can't remember, and my Dad opens his eyes, and grabs my brothers neck, and he turns his head to see me.

"So, trying to send me back now?" My Dad says, my brothers face goes red,

"LET HIM GO! I WONT LET YOU TAKE HIM!" I shout at my Dad

"Now, shouting is no way to save him" He says, as parts of his body starts turning into a fire, my brother starts catching on fire aswell, and his wings start burning. As my Dad lifts him up higher, my Dad is fully on fire now, and my brother looks badly burnt, tears fill into my eyes. 

I can't stand here and watch my brother suffer.

Before I think, I run over and pull my brother and Dad apart, I shoved my brother out the way, as my Dad grabbed my arm, I could feel my arm tingle with fire, and the clothes on my arm catch on fire, and start burning my whole body.

All I can feel is pain. And in some parts numb. My brother is half unconscious but he can see what's happening because he's slowly crawling across the floor. 

The ground becomes a black hole, sucking everything in. My Dad is floating above it with me hanging down, drifting in and out of unconsciousness. My legs are being tugged down by the blackhole, and my dad starts getting weak.

We start falling, we fall into the blackhole, it feels like it's wrapping itself around me, sucking me in. As I close my eyes, things become a blur, and eventually. It goes black. 

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