- Chapter 16 - The house -

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They say that riddles always have a meaning, and that island wasn't it, I feel like i'm in the underworld for a reason, apart from being stuck eating porridge for the next couple of days, but on the odd occasions I had orange juice. 

My sight has gotten alot more better, and I can feel my body now, i'm still in a wheelchair, it's not that bad, when no one is around, I mess around in it. I dont know if anybody knows if i'm a angel, they probally do. Sinse this is the underworld, and they'll probally be demons. 

But when I go past people in the corridor they stop and stair, they obviously have never seen an angel in the underworld before, it feels so wrong to be here. 

It's been a week sinse the accident, although I can speek. I haven't, I cant, it feels like as if i've forgotten how to speek. I've been sent to a orphonage, but no one has took me in because I dont talk, and i'm too old. 

I haven't been around town for awhile, so I decide to go out.  I'd only just realised that there was this creepy old house opposite the orphonage, creaking in the wind, with most of the windows boardered up, or smashed. Grafetti on the walls that boarder it, overgrown weeds and grass, with the door half smashed, you wouldn't call it a door. 

It feels like as if there is someone looking at me through the window, I walk over to a window on the house, the room is empty and rotted, why would anyone leave such a beautiful house? It may look horrible, but if you rebuild, and re-decorate and furnish, i'm sure i'd want to live there. 

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