- Chapter 3 - To school.

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I wake to an alarm, which I forgot I set, it's seven in the morning, and if it was my choice i'd stay in bed and never leave, but my mum is shouting me down for my cereal. As I walk to the door I cacth a glimpse of myself, I stare at the reflection. My dark brunette hair looks like I have been dragged threw a bush and back, as my mum would say, and my dark green eyes staring back at me. I wake up because my mum was shouting at me again

"If you don't come down yourself, i'll come and force you down!!" I roll my eyes and go downstairs to the kitchen and my mum is doing the dishes, but she can hear me coming in, because I slam the door open.

"Honey, when you've eaten your breakfast, you can pack your bag, and then brush your teeth and do what ever else you need. And don't roll your eyes at me", my mum says at me.

I swear she can predict the future or read my mind. Sinse I met the little pixie in my wonderland I haven't spoken a word to no one. I've just been sitting at my window staring outside, trying to get back there, but it never works. As I eat my cereal I start daydreaming. About how the first day of school is, and who i'll meet, and what teacher I get. 

"Abbie...." My mum says at me and I wake up from my daydream.

I realise that i'm going to be late for school, so I quickly pack my bag and quickly brush my hair and walk out the door, and down the street. The street is empty, it always is empty at this time of day. Everyone is still in bed even at eight thirty, school doesn't start until nine, but I have to walk awhile until I reach there. 

I'm eventually running to school, I kept staring around because i'd never been around this part of town and I only know where to go because my mum told me what directions to take. I arrive at school, late. I run up to my room, and slow down when I get to the door. I take a deep breathe and walk in.

Everyone stares at me as I walk in, thinking I must be some idiot to come to school for the first time and be late. I start getting nervous as the teacher stares at me for awhile, and everyone else just continues there conversation.

"Are You Abigail?" The teacher asks. I just nod my head. 

"Now class!" Everyone goes quiet, "This is Abigail", there is a couple of sniggers from the back but I don't care, i'm just staring outside the window. 

"I want you to make her welcome here, shes new, as you can all see. And Abigail, please don't be late again, or you'll get a detention" And I quickly turn my head to her.

"Sorry to bother you miss, but I prefure to be called Abbie." I whisper to the teacher. 

"That's okay Abbie, take a seat in any spare place". All the tables are sat on their own, but they're close enough to talk to other people, so I decide to sit, 2nd row back in the middle from the front. But I regret sitting there, because a bunch of girls behind me start whispering, and the one of them speaks to me.

"So Abigail, where did you come from?" And they snigger, I just ignore them. 

"It's rude to ignore people Abigail!" One of the girls shout at me. I'm resiting all I can to not walk out this room and never come back, because I want the education. 

"Now, now girls, shush!" The teacher shouts. "Today's lesson is, English!" And the whole class moans. I don't mind english it depends what topic we're doing. As the teacher writes something on the board it reads out as "Shakespeare", and I hate shakespeare, it will put me to sleep. So while the teacher blabbers on, about shakespeian' times and blah blah, I draw the pixie I encountered in my daydream. When I was just about to finish of my drawing the teacher walks by, realizing I have written not one thing about shakespeare, and picks my book right from my hand and looks down at me, the whole class goes quiet.

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