- Chapter 13 - The plan -

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Spoil the fun, what?? I go and let my brother in

"Dad, may I ask, where will he even be sleeping?"  I ask dad

"On the sofa" He replies, Dad could of atleast baught him something to sleep on, he only has the sofa.  But, i'm sure he wouldn't mind since he's always cold.  There is nothing to do in the house, Dad is watching football, and my brother is just sitting in a chair stairing out the window. 

"I'm going out, I can't stand this anymore, i'll die of boredom" I say, going out. Not as if anyone would care anyway, i'm sure they wouldn't care if I ran away and never come back. That's what I feel like now, but I cant just leave my brother. I have no idea where to go, so I go to the park, and I sit on the grass, closing my eyes, I always feel refreshed after I go out. Like my mother always said

"Go out and get some fresh air" she always nagged  at me. I hope mum is okay, I guess she's with her family, looking down at me. 

Someone pokes my on the shoulder, and I open my eyes, to see it's one of those girls from school. Great, what else do I need? 

"You're alive, freak girl. Oh, but i'm not happy for you being back"  She says

"Dont push it" I say, standing up

"Why cant you just see that no one likes you?" She does have a point, no one at school likes me, and I never go there anymore. So, I never made any friends, and I didn't learn anything new, apart from, don't trust popular girls at school. 

"Exusce me, do you have a problem with her?" A boy says, I recognise the voice, my brother. Didn't think he would ever leave the house

"Who are you? Does freak girl have a boyfriend now?" She asks

"He isn't my boyfriend, he's my brother" I say, 

"Oh, so I can have him all to myself" She says, and moves closer to him, 

"I'm sorry, you clearly dont understand, I dont like you" He says,

"Who doesn't like me?" She says, fluttering her eyes

"I don't like you" He says, eventually there is a group of people around us, shouting fight. People these days are so immature.

"Are you sure about that?" she says, closing her eyes, and moving her head closer to his face, I look around, and I pick up a rock, and throw it at her head, and she turns around

"Who do you think you are?" She shouts at me

"No one throws anything at me, okay? Get it in your head. No one likes you" 

"Correction, no one likes you" My brother says, 

"Stay out of this, okay?" She snaps at him, the crowd has gotten bigger, and I cant take much more of this, people screaming in our ears fight, I loose my paitence

"EVERYONE, SHUT UP" I shout at everyone, and they all shut up

"Start acting more mature" I say, I shove threw the crowd, I've had enough of this, I go to the forest, and calm myself down. 

"Are you okay?" My brother says,

"Yes, i'm fine. Thanks for asking" I say back

"It's a nice place here" He says

"I always came here sinse I was young, it was the place where I could be me" I say

"Look, I know Dad is a creep, and you don't like him. We'll find someway to make him leave" He says, I'd never thought of that idea, why didn't I think that before? 

"How?" I ask, there would be no way he would leave. 

"Well, I know a spell which sends demons back to their rightful place" He says

"Wouldn't that send you back?" I ask,

"No, it only sends the person back on who I cast the spell on" He says

"When will you do it?" I ask

"Now that, is a suprise" He says.

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