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Another doctor came into the room, greeting everyone with a cheerful smile.
"Now let's see what's happening." Turning up the speaker volume, he asked everyone to remain quiet. With a wide grin he looked at me and said something that shocked me.

"Did you just say triplets," I whispered, as she confirmed my question with a head nod. I looked up to see everyone with wide grins on their faces.
"This is great news, now we won't have to fight over the children, we can get each of them for the holidays," My mom said making everyone laugh.
After getting the ultrasound images, the doctor asked to see me in her office.

"Now we need to monitor you much closer. Where is your husband? I need to talk to him about your healthcare."
Realizing it must be something major, I called my family into the office.
"Don't worry about their father, my children have their father figures right here and this is their family so you can tell everyone whatever it is you need to say."
The doctor gave Sam a list of vitamins I would need, as I needed more now. Telling everyone that I had to take proper care of myself as he noticed my arm sling as well as eating healthy and exercising. Most of which I had already been doing. I asked the doctor for the babies gender, and I found out I was having two boys and a girl. I was more than happy, to hear this. As soon as we left the hospital my moms, started planning what to buy for their grandkids.

Having forgotten about James for a minute I wondered how he would have taken the news today. Would he have shown any sign of happiness for once.

James's POV

It was now a month since she had left the house. I noticed Maria no longer greeted me or said anything to me for that matter. The same went for Thomas as he tended to the gardens only conversing with Maria. One afternoon I heard them talking in the kitchen, but they never saw me.

"He is such an idiot. Do you know that he refused to eat her food the first night she cooked for him, but when I severed him the same food, he ate it not knowing she had prepared it. That girl is in love with him, and he doesn't even see it. Who would continue to serve you tea after you bring another woman into the house. Speaking of that one she doesn't do anything, it's always Martha this, Martha that. What type of woman is she. I bet you she can't even cook."

Thomas laughed at Maria's words, he could see that she was very angry. James walked into the kitchen very angry and both Maria and Thomas became quiet.
"I will not have anyone disrespecting  my fiancé, you are both fired!" he said angrily. "Pack your things and leave this place."
"Finally, some common sense," Maria mumbled as she put the drying towel down and walked out of the kitchen. "Good thing I had my clothes packed already. Come on Thomas call that cab friend of yours, we are finally leaving this house."

Gina came into the kitchen with a smirk on her face as she witnessed what was happening. In the evening James prepared some instant noodles for them, and when he thought Gina would wash the dishes he ended up doing it himself, and found her asleep, once he had cleared everything.


Maria and Thomas left, but headed to Sam and Tara's house, to see Pam before they left. Pam was surprised to see them at the doorstep with wide grins plastered on their faces.
"Ms Pamela it's very lovely to see you, are you sure you are having one baby only," Thomas said as he greeted her making her laugh at his last words.
"I am having triplets Thomas," I chuckled at his greeting. Now tell me why do I see luggage in that cab?" I asked them both looking over their shoulders.

Just then Tara came to the door and saw Maria and Thomas. She quickly ushers them inside, and they told them what had happened. Afterwards both of them left and each went to their respective homes after promising to stay in touch with each other.


I asked Jeff for some help to look over some houses, preferably something that would be big enough for my family and I. I had more that enough money saved up in my account to get a place for myself. When Sam and my dad heard that I was planning on buying a house they both insisted on paying for it. I had found a six bedroom house with two separate lounges, a spacious kitchen, dining room, as well as a office/library and an indoor gym as well as a large backyard. I asked Maria and Thomas to stay with me and they instantly agreed. They both took the rooms downstairs as I needed people close by, in case of an emergency.

The day I moved in I found a surprise waiting for me. Jeff and my dads had prepared the nursery for me, and it was painted light green and white, with everything already set up. There were three cribs each made from the finest wood, as well as changing tables. There were three cupboards and they each already held a set of clothing for the little ones, and a fourth already filled with disposable diapers. I knew who had purchased the clothes instantly when I saw them.

With tears blinding my eyes I thanked them all profusely, thanking God for such a wonderful family, especially my in-laws. They were more than I could ask for. I was glad to know that I did not have to worry over the babies things.


I was now three months away from delivering my babies and during that time I convinced my old boss to work as a consultant from home, as well as do some freelance consultations for other companies. I had to pay my bills somehow. Maria was always fussing over me like a mother hen, and whenever I went for my walks, either her or Thomas would accompany me. It came to a point were I became irritated by not getting any alone time to myself.

Stella and Carmen two of my closest friends never failed to pay me a visit each weekend, when they were free from work, that is. They were the only true friends I had who stuck around me after I became pregnant, the rest had either been told by their parents to stay away from or decided so by themselves, it was like I had the plague or something. Was I the first girl to fall pregnant out of wedlock, no, but I guess one will never understand the way other humans think.
Sammy and I became close friends as some days Jeff would leave her by my house so that she would not get lonely, after the doctor had told her to take things slowly. We enjoyed each other's company especially when Jeff wasn't around breathing down our necks to eat healthy food, when we were craving junk food.


Sammy paid me a visit and after a lovely outing, we dropped her off by her house. I told Jacob my driver to take us to Pick and Pay hypermarket so we could get some more food. He accompanied me into the store insisting on pushing the cart as I picked out what I needed. I had taken note of what was running out of the pantry so it was easy to get most of the goods. As we walked to my favorite section chatting away about his family, I bumped into a hard chest. Strong arms shot out to steady me, as I caught my breath instinctively wrapping my arms around my belly.
Looking up I was shocked to see James in front of me.

Forgot to mention the ages of the main characters

James - 29
Pamela - 25
Jeff - 29
Samantha - 26
Maria - 43
Thomas - 40
Parents - 50-60


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