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James found himself joining Pam's mother in the hospital chapel as he left the rest of his family in the waiting room. Never one to believe in miracles, he begged for a divine intervention from the Lord as tears flowed down his cheeks.
Heading back to the waiting room he found Jeff and his wife absent, apparently she had gone into early labour.

Time seemed to pass by slowly as they waited for news from the doctor.
"Family of Pamela Right!" came the voice of a female doctor.
"How is my wife doctor, please tell me she is alright."
"Your wife has lost a lot of blood, we need a family member to donate some."

"Take mine doctor, my blood type is O negative,"James said with pain etched on his features in a frantic manner.

"Please try to remain calm sir, now we had to perform an emergency C-section in order to save the babies, and they are all doing well, you will be able to see them in a few minutes, they are still in incubators being monitored constantly, don't worry they are in capable hands."

James left with the doctor as they went get him screened to see if his blood was suitable for donating.


Three days later Pam woke to up to a shrieking voice of her aunt Gloria.
"Why do you want to kill my daughter," she cried as she held on to James by his collar.
Aunt Gloria could be dramatic at times but this was just embarrassing especially in a hospital full of strangers.

"What has she done to you, tell me. Was it a crime to give our daughters' hand in marriage to you? Say something, don't just stand there. Sister why didn't you tell me my niece was suffering at the hands of this man."

"It is your daughter who has caused trouble, my sons' children could have been harmed because of her carelessness," came a voice I didn't recognize."

"James," I groaned.

My arms felt heavy as I willed myself to sit up, but felt myself sink back into the comfort of my pillow.
"Pam... Pam how are you feeling? Nurse get a doctor in here!" James said as he came to my side.
Aunt Gloria rushed to my side, "Pamela how are you feeling. My poor, poor child, I am going to stay with you until you are well. You should see the little ones they look so adorable," she rambled on.

"James, were are my babies?" I asked once my aunt had finished her tiring speech.
"They are fine, just focusing on getting better."
"No I need to see my children," I said as I started to panic.
"Where are they, I need to see them." Call me crazy but my motherly instincts kicked into overdrive as I found strength when I felt I had none.

"Relax baby, I'll take you to them," my husband said in a tender voice. The doctor came in and after examining me, suggested I rest after seeing my babies for a few minutes. As I was wheeled into their room, I found my parents and James's sitting quietly keeping an eye on them. I couldn't help myself as tears cascaded down my cheeks. They were all perfect and beautiful, my little bundles of joy, though they were tiny, I saw how strong and determined to live they were. They all had a caramel complexion, but my sons took after their father, but had my nose. My little girl however was the exact replica of me. I fell in love with each of them all over again, finally feeling calm.

"I was waiting for you, so we could name them," James softly whispered into my ear.
"What do you think of Joshua for the first born, Esther for our princess and Jacob for the youngest prince."
"I love then all baby, Joshua, Esther and James Right, it shall be." James said as he held my hand. Our parents seemed to approve of the names.
"Where are their godparents?"
"Oh, Sammy went into labour the night you were admitted. They have a bouncing baby boy. I will ask them to come over after you get some rest.

As they headed towards her room they found Aunt Gloria and James' Aunt Rebecca arguing over who would get to see the children first.
"Ladies can we take this discussion outside, my wife needs to get some rest."
I mouthed a thank you as he escorted them out of my room. Jeff and Sammy paid me a visit later on in the evening, with their son John. He looked so much like his father, but has his mother's brown eyes.

After three weeks I left the hospital with my children. I had to stay a bit longer as my doctor wanted to monitor the head injury I had sustained. Gina had been arrested for attempted murder and assault. James insisted I move back into his house. I complied but chose to keep my house just in case. I had a bad feeling about moving back into his house.

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