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"Anthony, how are you?"
"Hi Pam, I just thought to drop by and see you," he said as he took in her appearance.
She had on some skinny jeans and a white button up blouse. The way he looked at her made her feel exposed.
"Um, that's nice of you. Where is Tanya?"
"She is at your moms, I thought I should check up on you since you are alone and all," he said as he came into the house.
"Oh thank you, that's very kind of you. But I am not alone, my husband will be back in a few minutes I just sent him on an errand."
"Well I guess we don't have much time then, do we?"

With a confused expression she watched as he slowly walked up to her. Backing up into the living room Pam asked him.
"Time for what Anthony, is there something you need?"
"Don't act coy with me Pam, I have seen the way you look at me."
"What do you mean Anthony? I don't understand what you are talking about."

Before she knew it, he lunged towards her grabbing a hold of her. Pam struggled to get out of his firm grip, but he was just too strong for her.
"I like you too Pam. I just thought I should let you know since we are alone," he whispered into her ear as he brought his lips to her mouth and plunged his tongue into her mouth.
She felt herself throw up in her mouth as he quickly removed his lips. Before she knew it he slapped her across her face resulting in a cut on her lip most likely caused by the ring he had on.
"Is this how you reciprocate my feelings for you?"

Throwing her onto the sofa he got a hold of her blouse and ripped it open leaving her in her lace bra, licking his lips, he moved closer to her.
"Anthony please stop!" she shouted as she struggled to get free.


James was excited to see his wife that evening. Deciding to get there earlier just to spend more time with her he quickly left his house. When he arrived he saw Anthony's car parked at the entrance. Thinking Tanya was there he felt no need to rush, but when he heard Pam cry out, his adrenaline kicked into overdrive in an instance.

"Shut up, he said as he threw a punch in her face that knocked her out. Before he could do anything else Anthony felt a pair of hands get a hold of him.

"How dare you lay a hand on my wife?" James growled angrily before he punched Anthony until he heard the sickening crack on his bones. Quickly calling the police, he waited for them to arrive as he went to take a look at his wife.

Shaking her gently to wake up, she quickly sat up moving away from him in a frightened manner.

"Hey, hey, it's ok sweetheart. You are safe now," he told her in a soothing voice as he moved towards her.

It took her a while to orientate herself, still in shock as James gently spoke to her. He removed his leather jacket and covered her up with it as she buried her face into his chest, sobbing.

"Sshhh, shhh, you are safe now love, no one will hurt you. Not when I am around," he cooed.
"Don't leave me James," she mumbled.
"I will not leave you baby. Hey, look at me," he said tilting her chin up. "I am here for you, do you hear that." She nodded her head, yes, in response as a lips trembled just thinking what could have happened. She snuggled closer into him, loving the warmth and safety he provided.

The police arrive and took her statement and arrested Anthony in the process. Not wanting her out of his sight James called in a doctor friend of his to come and check on her.

Her face was now swollen from Anthony's punches and James wanted to inflict more pain on the man for what he had done.
She had been given some pain medication which made her drowsy, such that after taking the medication she fell asleep.
James never left her side, and he tended to her bruises with a cool towel to reduce the swelling.

James's POV

Looking down at her she looked so peaceful in her sleep. That's the peace I wanted to constantly bring in her life. Getting up to get some water I left her room. As I headed back to her room I heard my name being called out.
Rushing to her room I barged into the room frightened that something was wrong.
"James, you said you wouldn't leave me," she cried out, her lower lip trembling as tears fought to escape.
"I'm right here baby. I just went to get some water that's all," I said soothingly as I held her in my arms, rocking her back and forth like a baby.


After she settled down, he took her downstairs were her family was waiting for her.
"Oh, my poor baby. Are you alright?" My mom cried out as she gave me a tight hug.
Everyone had worried expressions, but Tanya's expression was of pain mixed with worry.
"I'm so sorry Pam, please forgive me," Tanya wept.
"It's not your fault sweetie, I'm just glad you were not married to the fool."

We decided to let the children stay with their grandparents for a few more days, until I was emotionally stable.
James took some time off from work, just to be by my side.

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