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"Ms Pamela are you alright," Jacob asked in a worried voice.
"What? Yes, yes I am fine, thank you Jacob," I said as I continued to look into the eyes of my so called husband. Was that shame I saw just for a second?
"Um, we should, we should leave now," I said to Jacob.



One month ago

"Gina can you prepare dinner today, I can't be the only one cooking in this house whilst you sit and do nothing."
"I am neither your wife, nor am I your maid. You do it yourself. She said as she got up. Ever since that woman left, you have been expecting me to do a lot for you. This is your house so you deal with it, I am done with this relationship. How did she get pregnant by you? You cheated on me and got married to her behind my back. You can keep your life, I don't want any part of it. I have another man, begging me to be in his life already, I am better off without you as a problem in my life. Goodbye James enjoy your pathetic life," she said as she took her bag and stormed out of his house leaving him stunned by her actions.

James took the rest of the week off from work and got to cleaning the house. He put his clothes in the laundry machine and as that was being taken care of, he started mopping the floors, he never thought he would have to go on his knees to scrub his floors, good help was hard to come by these days, and Maria had always done an excellent job. The help that had been sent by the agency before had not done a perfect job as they had promised.

By noon he was bone tired. Going up to his office he switched on the vacuum cleaner and began to vacuum the carpet. He saw the coffee stain remembered the night he had shouted at her.

He could still remembered the pained expression on her face as he shook her. When he saw her fall his heart had stopped beating at that moment. He had so desperately wanted to rush out to catch her fall, but he willed his body to remain seated. Getting angry at himself he couldn't control his anger and ended up shouting at her. He felt pathetic for his actions towards the woman who was carrying his children. She hadn't asked for this marriage after all.

He reminded himself that he hated this woman, she had caused him enough trouble, now Gina was gone. His parents were not talking to him, even his help had left him, no he had fired them because of Gina.

As he went out to the pool to relax, he remember the day she almost drowned because of him, he had seen everything from the time Thomas jumped into the pool to save her, and Maria fussing over her. He had wanted to hold her and soothe her, begging for her forgiveness, but he had just left her. He couldn't stand being there any longer as the memory replayed in his mind so he went up to his room.

"What have I done! I have lost my family... Why did I have to fall for her, I hate her for goodness sake.
But she had slowly crept into his heart, he missed her food, even the tea she brought for him each day, he couldn't even find the tea in the kitchen when he tried to make himself a cup. Her laughter as she spoke to Thomas or Maria was like a melody in his ears. I wish I had been the one to make her laugh. Her scent was still present in the house, a constant reminder that she had been there. He missed her.

Present time:

I looked at James and saw pure misery etched in his features, I noticed he had lost weight from the way his t-shirt hung loose on his body, I had always loved how this particular shirt hugged his muscular physic. He hadn't shaved for some time now judging by the length of his beard, giving him a grizzly bear appearance, he was in desperate need of a haircut as well. From the contents of his cart I saw mostly instant noodles and a few fruit, and found the reason to his weight loss. As I walked away I turned back to see him looking at me. Walking back to him I asked him one simple question.
"Would you like to join me for dinner James?"

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